Chance me for Cal/ UCLA

I’ll keep this simple…
SAT 1450
SAT II, Lit 720
UC weighted GPA, 4.4
California resident that applied to study social sciences
Good ECs in music, sports, community service, have a summer job, but nothing extreme (didn’t start any companies).
I’m unsure of how good my recommendations are because I’m not going to violate a FERPA agreement…
I think it’s a little ridiculous to assume your essays are good or rank them.
So I guess just assume my essays/ recommendations are good :wink:

What’s your UW GPA, it will matter a lot.

Based on you statistics, that GPA is pretty high for weighted. As for the SAT, higher would be nice but you should be fine. Kinda vague with the ECs, can’t really help with that?

Chances are fairly low. They want good stats and ECs. Your stats are just average and ECs, by the looks of it, aren’t anything special. However, you are applying to a not so competitive major.

The key is what your UC weighted capped GPA is.
Also, how rigorous is your 10th-12th grade schedule ie how many APs did you take, and how many people from your school get accepted into Berkeley and UCLA year after year. (There’s an admissions by high school page on the UC website).

@GoBears2023 I mean thanks for your honesty haha. I think “higher” everything would be nice! UW is 3.9 (only 1 B+). ECs include playing classical piano for 12 years, racing/riding mountain bikes for fun and on my high school’s team, running varsity track, working as a Mountain bike camp counselor, and interning at a local music-school non-profit.

@ProfessorPlum168 My school got 14 accepted to Cal, 12 to UCLA out of 50 and 48 total applicants, respectively. Took 7 APs in my sophomore/senior years (3 junior, 4 senior).

If you had only one B in the past 2 years, you should be a lot closer to 4.0 than to 3.9 for unweighted, and probably pretty close to 4.3 for UC capped weighted given that you had 7 APs.

I would rate your chances as 50-50, to perhaps a bit better than average, for both schools. Keep in mind that both schools have way more qualified applicants than slots available so both schools will always be a bit of a crapshoot.

GPA is the most important thing, and the UC weighted capped GPA average is around 4.25 for both schools. Your SAT score is in the middle somewhere which may be a slight cause for concern. The school you go to sounds like a small school but the ratio of acceptances is quite good actually, so that helps too.

@djbridjmurh Dang nice ECs. Definitely unique! I think if you write good essays, you’ll get into some great colleges

@GoBears2023 Thanks man but I’m not sure. I looked at your resume and it’s absolutely insane… in a good way-- you’ve already accomplished so much as senior in high school it’s dang impressive.

@djbridjmurh Thanks man. It means a lot.

you are a competitive applicant. Note though, both of those campuses get a lot of aps like yours and are forced to turn down a good portion of them. Be sure to have other options.

Good luck

Late to the game but something seems off with your UC GPA. Is the 4.4 your uncapped UC GPA? What is your capped UC GPA?

Look up what classes at your high school qualify as weighted at a UC. Classes like sophomore English honors will not be weighted. Algebra 2 honors will not be weighted. Only the classes with yellow stars next to them get extra weight

Calculate how many weighted classes you have from summer before 10th until summer after 11th grade (12th grade APs don’t count) and calculate your capped UC GPA. Cal and UCLA look at both capped and uncapped.