A competitive high school might explain a low GPA but would have no impact on your SAT…

Your GPA and ECs are competitve but, your SAT isn’t. i agree with the consensus here - with your current stats, UCR and UCM are the only ones likely to admit you. The rest are a coin toss at best. If you really want to go to UCI, you should spend some time improving your test score.

I would also add SDSU and perhaps CSULB to your ap list

Good luck

I am currently preparing for the August SAT and hopefully I will raise my score up to 1300 at least. If I raise my score within the 1300 range, would that increase my chances of being admitted into UCI? @NCalRent

Also, since I am applying as an english major to most of the UCs, would this increase my chances of admission? @NCalRent

For 2017, average UC GPA for UCI English major admit was 1276 and average UC GPA capped weighted was 4.04. Once 2018 data is available, I will post and I am going to say that the SAT score average will be higher for 2018 admits especially since the UCI acceptance rate for 2018 dropped below 30% from last year’s 36.6%.

You are on target if you get your SAT up into the 1300+ range, but there are no guarantees.

I agree - a 1300 would tip the scales (perhaps 60/40) in your favor for UCI but, there’s so much subjectivity to UC admissions, it is really important that you apply broadly.

Also make sure you show demonstrated interest in the school. That should help a bit. I’ll assume that means an official visit or two such that they have your info beforehand.

Yes I have visited the campus multiple times…I also show a lot of interest in English because I really focused on influencing my school by founding my own creative writing club…Also, during my sophomore year of HS I was getting some B’s in my classes but I got straight A’s during my junior year (in which I took a heavy load of AP and Honor classes)…I’ve heard that improvements in grades helps in college admissions @ProfessorPlum168

Just to make sure we’re on the same page - I’m talking about an official campus visit with an official tour guide where you’ve registered with the school with your name and HS graduation year. Not the type of impromptu visit where you dropped by the bookstore and ate at the Korean food truck.

Yes I have officially visited the campus twice and I’ve met with tour guides. I live nearby the University. @ProfessorPlum168