<p>Hey everyone, I am currently a junior in high school (will be a senior this fall) and I would like to know my chances of getting into the UC's (particularly UCLA, UCD, UCSB, UCSC, and UCR), Cornell, and NYU.</p>
<p>My stats:
California resident
GPA 4.00 UW/ 4.86 W
predicted SAT (based on practice tests) 1760-1900
Predicted ACT (based on practice tests) 28-32 (composite)
US History Subject Test (660)</p>
<p>My EC's aren't that great. I have about 60 hours of community service, a few leadership positions, honor roll for the past six semesters, department award, and a finalist in an academic competition.</p>
<p>Edit: I'm considering psychology, history, or ethnic studies ( I'm still kind of undecided)</p>
<p>Hey! I’m going to be a senior as well next year, and I think you would have a fair chance at NYU and the lesser UCs, but I think you should try to raise your SATs nevertheless! GOOD LUCK :)</p>
<p>With a strong application, you should get into all of the UCs. This is coming from someone who has applied to most of them and got into every UC I applied to, including UCLA, UCI, UCSD, UCD, and UCR. My stats were terrible compared to yours. Good luck!</p>
<p>^You are one applicant. That doesn’t mean anything really. </p>
<p>You test scores are pretty weak. GPA is strong, but you want a solid SAT, 2100+, particularly for cornell where you should aim for a 1500+ critical reading/math.</p>
<p>Would my area of study (major) affect my admission/acceptance into these schools? For instance, if I were to major in socio-cultural anthropology would that increase or decrease my chances of getting in?</p>
<p>You seem like the perfect example of a student who got the perfect grades but did nothing else with their life. (EC’s are poor). You have a good chance at cal states and lower UC’s.
Good luck.</p>
<p>Cornell - Reach/High Reach
Upper UCs (Cal, LA etc) - Reach
Lower UCs (SC, SB etc) - Match
NYU - Match</p>
<p>With poor ECs and close to bad stats you’ll have a tough time getting into cornell and high UCs. Even if you raise your test score to 2150+, it will still be fairly tough.
If you end up getting on the lower side of the ranges you gave, I would say apply to some CSUs like Cal Poly SLO and SJSU as well to have your safeties all ready. </p>
<p>That being said, if you look outside CA, you could probably find some public and private schools that you could get into. </p>
<p>Good luck!
Chance me back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1355507-new-sat-score-chance-rising-senior-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1355507-new-sat-score-chance-rising-senior-will-chance-back.html</a></p>
<p>Im going to try to complete at least 80+ hours of volunteer work this summer and fall. I will retake the SAT this fall, Im aiming for at least 1900-2100. I know realistically that this will be kind of hard since I did get a score in the lower range on the June SAT, but I am determined to get them up.</p>
<p>Are my ACT predictions (28-32) terrible for admittance into UCLA? I did find the June ACT slightly easier than the SAT so hopefully I am able to receive a score in that range.</p>
<p>I think you could get into NYU without a big problem.</p>
<p>Santa Barbara, Irvine, San Diego, Santa Cruz, and Riverside should all be no problem even if you get a 28 ACT.</p>
<p>A 32 isn’t terrible for admittance to UCLA or Berkeley. It’s alright. </p>
<p>Cornell will be very tough. Aim for a high thirty, perhaps 34+. Otherwise, it will be a relatively high reach.</p>