chance me? UCs??

<p>Hey guys! This is my first time getting chanced so any kind of help is appreciated! :]</p>

<p>Class: 2010
School: Public HS of about 1900 students
GPA: 3.71 (unweighted)
4.22 (weighted)
Class Rank: 108/486</p>

<p>SAT I (retaking. low scores.): 1880

<p>SAT II (retaking also....>< possibly taking literature as well)
Math II: 630
History: 630</p>

<p>APs: APUSH :4
APAH: 2</p>

<p>Total AP's and honors classes taken so far: 8</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
Marching Band- A/A
Spanish 2- A/A
English 2- A-/B+
H Algebra 2- A/A-
Ap Art History- B+/A-
Honors Chem B/B-
World Hist A/A
Track A/A</p>

<p>Junior Year:
Marching Band- A/A
Symphonic Band- A/A
Spanish 3/4- B+/A-
AP Lang- A-/A
AP Physics- B-/B-
AP Us History- A-/A-
Honors Pre-Calc- A/B</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule:
Marching Band
Symphonic Band
AP Calc AB
AP Spanish
AP Literature
H Gov/Econ

<p>Community Service:
Senior Life Care Center: 3 years
First Aid Stations
Kids Summerschool: 3 years
Leadership/Missions Trip in China</p>

Piano (reached Advanced Level): 12 years
Trombone: 5 years (section Leader)
Leadership Band
Marching/ Symphonic Band: 4 years/3 years
Jazz Band: 2 years
Track: 3 years (league finals)
Red Cross Club: 3 years (secretary)
First Aid Station: 2 years
Christian Club: 4 years
American Cancer Society: 2 years
California Scholarship Federation: 3 years
Member of MTAC, National Federation of Music Clubs,
and National member of National Piano Auditions (all music organizations)</p>

<p>Awards: just mainly for music, esp. piano..not sure if those count</p>

UC Berkeley
UC Davis</p>

<p>Would it be possible to make it into UCLA or Berkeley if I improve my SAT I and II scores immensely? Also, will my chances decrease because of my low ap scores? Do I have any hope? :[</p>

<p>Any advice is welcome!
Thanks! :]</p>
