<p>Current School: Pasadena City College
Current UC transferable GPA: 2.6
Applying for: Fall 09
Major: Environmental Studies
School of choice: UCSC
Applying to: UCSC, UCSB, UCD, Cal Poly SLO, Cal poly Pomona, SFSU, calstate northridge</p>
<p>I know my GPA is a little lower than average, but I still have this whole coming school year to raise it, My goal is around a 3.3 range by spring. Environmental studies is considered an impacted major is UCSC, if I do really good this school year, do I have a chance? My exta curriculars are good so far. Involved in environmental clubs, volunteering etc, and I work nearly 30 years a week. So far in this past year I've completed around 44 units, still have 20 to go. How do UCS go about choosing transfers? Do they just look at my freshman year of college grades?What chance will I have at UCSB or UCD?</p>
<p>Might want to consider setting up a TAG agreement with the school of your choice; that is if you are able to meet their TAG requirement(s) before transferring.</p>
<p>Yeah I would apply for TAG asap and apply to those schools and hope your ec's help you. But as for SFSU and CSUN you should get in those schools fine.The UC's are a reach.</p>
<p>I applied to UCSC last year and got accepted (without a TAG), but I didn't go. I declared Electrical Engineering as major (don't know if it's competitive or not) with a 2.87 GPA. If I remember correctly, you need a minimum of 3.0 for a TAG at UCSC though. So pull your GPA up and you should be fine. I think for UCD the College of Agriculture requires a 2.8 GPA, and College of L&S requires 2.9 to sign a TAG. Best to check with your counselor. Good Luck</p>
<p>UC Santa Cruz Transfer Admission Guarantee (UCSC TAG)
The UC Santa Cruz Transfer Admission Guarantee (UCSC TAG) Program is designed for California community college transfer students at the junior level. To apply for the UCSC TAG Program, you must:</p>
<li>have completed a minimum of 30 UC-transferable semester units (45 quarter units) of course work at the time of application;</li>
<li>have fewer than 20 semester units (30 quarter units) completed at a four-year institution;</li>
<li>have at least a 3.00 GPA in all UC-transferable course work; and</li>
<li>be enrolled at a participating California community college. </li>
<p>UCSC TAG is only available for students entering fall quarter. The filing period for fall 2009 is August 1–October 15, 2008.</p>
<p>For more information, see your community college Transfer Center director.</p>