Chance Me: UMich Soph Transfer [MI resident, 3.67 HS GPA (will start college at Wayne State), for CS, data science or math of risk management and finance]


  • US domestic (US citizen or permanent resident) or international student: US Citizen
  • State/Location of residency: Michigan
  • Type of high school: T250 (Wayne State University)
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity *: South Asian
  • Other special factors (first generation to college, legacy, athlete, etc.): None

Intended Major(s)

Comp Sci or Data Science and Mathematics of Risk Management and Finance double major

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.67
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.106/4.33
  • College GPA (for transfers): 4.0 UW
  • Class Rank: N/A
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 1410 (720R/690M)
  • Credit Amount *: 20 Credits at end of first semester (might be 28 depending on if i pass a CLEP exam)

(AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes, AP/IB scores for high school; also include level of math and foreign language reached and any unusual academic electives; for transfers, describe your college courses and preparation for your intended major(s))

took 5 APs in high school, passed 1 exam (AP Psych)

College courseload is: Calc 1, Intro to Python, English, Sociology, Honors College Class


Nothing crazy, some all academic all state and all county from high school

(Include leadership, summer activities, competitions, volunteering, and work experience)

HS: City Youth Board Chairman, Varsity Baseball, NHS, Anti Racism Treasurer, Music Production, Soccer, Band

College: BME Research Position (uses CS), Music Production, Culture Club Eboard, CS Club, Finance Club

(Optionally, guess how strong these are and include any other relevant information or circumstances.)

essays should be good, dk about LORs yet

Cost Constraints / Budget
(High school students: please get a budget from your parents and use the Net Price Calculators on the web sites of colleges of interest.)



What are your reasons for seeking a transfer? You’ll need to explain your reasons on the application.

But your chances are not good. Sorry!

You were deferred when you applied to University of Michigan as a high school senior, right? Did you subsequently get denied admission?

Unless I’m reading this incorrectly, you haven’t even started college…yet. Is that correct?

It seems the OP was rejected from UM and planned to attend UM-Dearbourn per a post on April 6.

Can you clear up the confusion @judakbar

Were you rejected from UM this past year? Have you started college? What school do you attend (or plan to attend)? If you have no college record, how can anyone chance your odds of a transfer?

In any event, I recommend you start college with the intent of finishing all four years at the school. Otherwise, it can stand in the way of your developing relationships with your fellow students and professors, getting involved on campus etc. It is fine to throw in a transfer application (and you may want to look beyond UM) but don’t count on it working out.


Michigan accepts a fair amount of in-state transfer students, but because you were just deferred, waitlisted, or declined, there is no way to chance you right now.

At the moment, your chances aren’t good: you just got an answer from them and it was not an acceptance. What will be different in just a couple of months?

If you go to a college that accepted you, immerse yourself in interesting academics, join some clubs, make friends, get great grades, make meaningful connections with professors…Michigan might reconsider its decision and admit you in a year or so. Or, if you do all of these things, you might reconsider your decision of wanting to go to Michigan and decide you can achieve your goals and be happy elsewhere.


The difference for a sophomore transfer may be one semester of college courses and grades, which is not much, so the high school record that resulted in rejection in frosh admission will still be important. Requirements & Deadlines | University of Michigan Office of Undergraduate Admissions says that “The closer a student is to having 60 transferable credits, the less the student’s high school work will be used in the evaluation”, so chances may be better as a junior transfer (with three semesters of college record to present) if the college record is excellent.


Also, check if Michigan will accept for subject credit the courses you plan to take before transfer. If it does not, then you may have to do a lot of catch-up or repeated courses after transfer, potentially delaying graduation.

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all my credits transfer

i’m going to wayne state now, i was waitlisted last year

Meaning what? Will you be a freshmen student in the 2023-2024 academic year?

You were waitlisted at MIchigan…and then what?

You wrote this:

I’m a current in state HS senior who was rejected from LSA CS

And that means you were not accepted at MIchigan.

It will be helpful if you clarify your situation…sounds like you are starting at Wayne State in the Fall, and your stated college GPA of 4.0 is aspirational?

You have some research to do. U Mich does not take first year, mid year transfers under most circumstances. From their website:

Note on applying to transfer during your first year: Competitive transfer candidates typically have two or more semesters of transferable graded college coursework at the time of application. This means that students applying to transfer in the winter semester of their first year after high school will not be admitted, except under extraordinary circumstances such as having been admitted as a first year applicant. Being wait listed as a first year applicant does not qualify as an extraordinary circumstance. Therefore, if you applied as a first year applicant for Fall 2023 and were denied admission, you should wait to submit a transfer application for Fall 2024 admission.

Do some LSA virtual sessions to learn about the transfer process, they offer a ton of resources. Use them.

You should plan on being at Wayne State for at least 3 semesters. If you wait until Fall 2025 to transfer (so, apply during spring 2025), your HS record won’t be a very significant piece of the admission decision.

My advice to you is to go in to Wayne State thinking you will graduate from there. They have fine offerings in the majors you are considering…are you in the college of engineering, or liberal arts?

If you do well after 3 semesters go ahead and try for Michigan, but maybe you will be very happy at Wayne State and not give Michigan another thought at that point. Good luck.

So whatever the situation is you always have a better chance to transfer into Michigan as a “Junior” transfer. Wayne State (my ala mater for Premed many years ago) works closely with Michigan but yes, talk to Michigan’s transfer people. They used to have Transfer Tuesday. Take advantage of it.

If you attempt to transfer prior to Junior year then they look at and use your high school record also.

BTW - Wayne has become a huge college destination over the last like 10 years. It also has a good cs department.

Getting a 3.7 in college is MUCH harder than in HS. Very few students get 3.8 or higher, let alone a 4.0.
Your 3.67 at Wayne State is good and assuming you get As in your math and CS sophomore classes (should be Cal 2 or Discrete Math or similar + level 2 CS classes) you stand a chance applying during your Fall semester sophomore to transfer as a junior.
If you’re currently a rising fresman at Wayne State, go overboard when you start in the Fall. Push yourself and do well for 2 semesters before any thought of transferring. Join clubs, have a job, get things done outside of class.

I think that is OP’s HS GPA, and the 4.0 college GPA is aspirational…I think they start this Fall…but we are waiting for OP to clarify.


@MYOS1634 this is projected, the student hasn’t yet started at Wayne State.

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the college 4.0 is based off the fact that i’ve taken 3/5 classes in their AP form and got As in those classes. and the other 2 classes are an honors discussion class and then one is a sociology course which people say is easy

i may have formatted my post incorrectly, but i’m about to be a freshman at Wayne State and have already found a research position, joined a culture club and their EBOARD, and plan on joining 2 more just for networking reasons.

my hs GPA was a 3.67 and my college gpa is a predicted 4.0 because i’ve already taken most of my classes in their AP form just didn’t pass the exam

well, from what I know the issue was my HS soph year grades as my counselor spoke to the admissions officer about my case specifically. another semester puts that even more in the past

If you read the link I posted, Michigan gives the direct recommendation that one’s chances are not good when applying to transfer for the spring semester of first year.


It’s going to be AP on steroids (4 months to cover what AP does over 9)&some students will also have taken the class. You’ll have to be in the top 20% in each of these 3.
For the honors discussion class, expect 35-50pp per session, with highlighted quotes and notes so you can contribute to the discussion. If you can pull that off and schedule to go to office hours+the writing center it can be an A but hard to be sure.
The easy sociology class is probably 4-5 hours hw a week for a B with possible A. I recommend attending office hours early on to make sure you focus on the right things - most freshmen make the mistake of waiting till a week or 2 before the exam (or, worse, don’t realize they’re not on track).
You’re well-organized already wrt extracurriculars so enjoy freshman year and show what you’re capable of. Wayne State has become a well-respected university, I’m sure you’ll be challenged and grow, and thus will be able to show that you’re dedicated and able to do topnotch work. :+1::+1:

UMich will not look at your application favorably if you apply after only 1 semester. There’s a link upthread for you to peruse but I think you won’t be able to apply till Spring semester at the earliest and probavly not before Fall 2024.