Chance me USC Computer Science

I am a senior in a public high school in California.
My unweighted GPA is 3.97 out of 4.

Total 1530 out of 1600
English 740
Math 790
Essay 7 out of 8

SAT Subject
Math 800
Physics 770

AP Computer Science - 5
AP Biology - 4
AP Calculus AB - 5
AP Calculus BC - 5
AP Physics Mechanice - 5
AP Physics E&M - 5


  1. Summer intern at Oakcrest Institute of Science
  1. President of Interact Club Vol un teered 140+ hours at var i ous com mu nity events; Make sack lunches to pass out to home less and fundraise to build clean cook stoves for fam i lies in Uganda.
  2. National Honors Society: Vol un teer at local events, rec og nized as "a re ally help ful and amaz ing tutor" for Geom e try/Al ge bra, elected as Math De - part ment Head (as sign tu tors to tu tees).
  3. Rose Parade Student Ambassador Pub lic in ter ac tion at float dec o rat ing venues pre-pa rade and post-pa rade, as sist Rose Pa rade mem bers at Band fest, act as ush ers in the Tour na ment Grand stands.
  4. Methodist Hospital Volunteer Vol un teered at the front desk of the hos pi tal, wel com ing vis i - tors and guid ing them to their rooms.
  5. Temple City Youth Committee Voiced youth's con cerns by host ing in for ma tive sem i nars on mi cro-lead er ship and safety, con duct ing traf fic stud ies, and pre sent ing at city coun cil meet ings.


  1. National Merit Scholarship
    Rec og nized as Na tional Merit Semi fi nal ist for re ceiv ing a high score on the PSAT.
  1. French Grand Concours: Gold Re ceived Gold Medal for the Grand Con cours, a na tional French exam, three times in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade.
  2. Congressional Recognition Cert Rec og nized by Judy Chu for ac tive in volve ment with the city coun cil and ef forts to pro mote knowl edge able en gage ment of Tem ple City's youth.

4.Senior Men and Women
Se lected in Top 25 Girls of the school to rep re sent the school dis trict and city at com -
mu nity events and pro fes sional pro grammar

I want to try USC with Computer Science as a major if possible. Please chance me for USC

What should I apply for Second option, in case Major is missed out? Can I apply for econ/math as a alternate?

is USC your main choice?

OP, yes you can apply to econ/math as second choice, but you must choose engineering/CS as a first choice. Viterbi/Engineering does not consider those that choose an engineering major as a second choice. Chance me for Viterbi is too tough because of the holistic nature of USC and the fact that kids with high test scores, great ECs and 4.5 gpa’s aren’t admitted, but someone with lower grades/GPA may be because they have something abput their overall package. A lot of times it’s a supply/demand issue. Good luck!