Chance me- UVA and Chapel Hill

<p>My HS GPA was lower- just over a 3.5, although I don't have my transcripts on me. Private school. Honours and AP were offered, but almost all in maths and sciences, which are my weak point. The only non-maths/ science-oriented AP/ honours offered were Honours English 12, APUSH and AP US History. I took APUSH and got a 5 and took Honours English 12.</p>

<p>SAT: 1390/1600 and 2190/2400.</p>

<p>I will be applying as a sophomore transfer for Fall 2009. I have six credits at my current college (I would rather not name my current school, has no name but is a four-year private) from AP. My first semester I took 18 credits and my GPA was 3.94. I am signed up for 17 credits for next semester.</p>

<p>I am from VA.</p>

<p>what are your ec’s?</p>

<p>just looking at your stats (which are only part of the equation, mind you) you should have a pretty good shot…the strength of your ec’s, prof. recs., and essays will likely determine whether you get in or not</p>

<p>I would have to agree with dufflebag you have a good shot at them. just build up your ec’s and get good professor recomm.</p>