Chance me UW Madison?

I’m an out of stater applying to the college of letters and sciences as a biology major. Here are my stats:
ACT: 34 (I’m a good test taker/ was a little lazy frosh year)
National Merit Scholar quarter finalist
UW GPA Of 3.45
W GPA of 4.4
On the varsity rowing team for 3 years, was nationally ranked
Captain of the debate program
Worked at a law firm in downtown Chicago the summer after my junior year
All honors or high honors classes, with 4 APS
(Got a 5 on USH last year, taking bio, American and comparative govt. and Calculus AB)
I did apply early action to Madison, and I was wondering what you think my chances are at acceptance. Anything helps!

ACT is great, uw GPA is low (average is around a 3.85). Not sure how it will shake out for EA acceptance vs. deferral but your application seems strong overall so I’d be surprised if you weren’t ultimately accepted. With the NMSF you are clearly a strong tester. Good luck to you!

It matters if your gpa is rising or falling. You are expected to do well in the most rigorous classes your HS offers. Better grades your junior year would indicate you have improved your study habits, needed for the rigors of UW. Some students settle down after a lesser start in HS- that counts.