Chance Me (very weird case)

Hi everyone, I’m planning on applying to GWU RD.
I got accepted to Temple University, IU Bloomington, applied to NYU and got into my second choice, NYU Shanghai with 42K/year
I’m a dual US Citizen, but I lived outside of the US for the most part of my life. I think the most important part of my application is that I lived in 3 different countries and went to 4 different high schools. I moved to Turkey from New York when I was 8. I spent my freshman and sophomore year in Turkey, first semester of my junior year in Boston, second semester in Saudi Arabia, in an international school. This year I moved back to the US alone at 17, without my family just so I could finish high school in the US. I’m something like an exchange student in Missouri at the moment. Sorry this was pretty long, but I mainly talked about this in my personal essays and I believe it’s an important part of my application.
SAT: 1330 R:620 M:710
TOEFL: 102
UW cumulative GPA (current school only does UW): 3.94
Rank: Even though I wasn’t here before my senior year, they ranked me based on my GPA: 33/298 top 11% (they told me this didn’t include the level of course load, and my counselor said she specified that my course load throughout high school was on the very challenging end.
Personal essay: About moving a lot and growing up multicultural, the challenges I faced in Saudi Arabia and how I overcame them
Senior year current AP Gov teacher: amazing, talked about my interest in politics and international relations (which I’m applying to)
Junior year English teacher: didn’t read it but I’m guessing it’s pretty good
Class President in my Turkish school- 9,10
President and Editor in School Newspaper Club- 9,10
MUN in my Turkish school and my school in Boston- 9, 10, 11
Debate Club, Turkish School- 9,10
Speech and Debate Team, Boston school, 11
President of English Club, Turkish school, 10
Finalist in a national math project competition for my research project
in Turkey
Amnesty International, 12
Tutoring kids in my neighborhood, helping them out with math and English
Also I’m a native Turkish speaker and I know basic German&Arabic

Everything is pretty complicated, I know lol
NYU Shanghai wants me to decide until January 3rd, but I guess I’m going to apply to other schools instead, still haven’t decided though
Also please let me know if you have any advice/comments in general!

You should be admitted to GWU RD. Nothing “very weird” about your application.

Although a bit off topic, do you have concerns about the air quality/air pollution in Shanghai ?

@Publisher thank you for your comment, I just said weird because that’s what my counselor always says about my situation when she’s making phone calls to colleges and stuff hahah
About Shanghai, honestly I didn’t even think about that, I’m so concerned about where I’m going to attend and what I should do that I never really thought about it I guess, but that’s a good thing to consider, thanks!!

shake, shake, shake… oh Magic 8 Ball, will I be accepted?

@girlidk I think you have a very strong application. Good luck!

@NHuffer Thank you!!!

I’ve got a somewhat similar background to yours. I’m also a dual citizen who’s lived outside the US for most of my life. I got in ok EDI with a merit scholarship. I think you have an excellent chance!

@GWU4223 great to see more people like me, thank you!!