Chance me!

Hi all, I’m applying to GWU regular decision for the Elliott School of international Affairs. I was wondering if anyone could tell me my chances of admissions and receiving a merit scholarship. Thanks!!
Major: international relations
Unweighted GPA:3.6
Weighted GPA:4.1
Demographic: Illinois, Arab(White)
AP classes: Euro,Econ,US history, Physics, Lang, Lit, gov, psych, bio, Calculus AB
Letters of Rec: One great letter from a 2 year teacher, who knows me very well personally.
Extra Curriculurs:
I know many of these aren’t related to my
Major but there isn’t really much to do.

Manager at Job in charge of 20 people 10 hours a week during school year 40 hours a week over the summer
4 year debate team member
A lot of community service hours
Track and Field- 2 seasons on varsity current captain
Cross county- One season JV
Started local robotics club to get kids from different backgrounds into robotics and coding.

I have shown very strong interest.

I think you’re a “weak match” (in the lower range of accepted students) primarily from not having more IA-related EC’s. If there just isn’t many available to you at your school, I think that a mention of that in your app would help. Your overall suitability for GW, though, is very good in case you list other schools/majors as back-ups. Your grades and ACT are very good, and your sports time and work/volunteer efforts are notable, as well.

Good luck, and be sure to keep us posted!