Chance Me- VT/JMU. Will Chance Back

<p>I applied ED (deferred) to Virginia Tech and RD to James Madison. I got into my safety school GMU but still have about a month to go till i know about VT or JMU. My grades should have been a lot better but school has always been easy for me, so I don't think i worked as hard as I could have all the time. Literally i would have quarters with random C's bc i wouldn't do hw. I regret this but I can't do anything about it now. One other quick note, for a lot of the classes i have b's in my 1st semester grade was a B and my 2nd semester grade was a B+. For almost all of my classes I do better 2nd semester then 1st.</p>

<p>African-American Male
Major- Business for JMU and Sociology for VT (changed from marketing a few days ago, i want to major in socio but also take business classes)
High School in NOVA, competitive school (in-state)
SAT: 1820 ( 670 CR, 600 W, 550 M)
GPA- 3.57 weighted (3.3 Freshman, 3.78 Sophomore, 3.8 Junior, 3.46 Senior) just in top 50% of class
All Honors and APs with lowest two grades being in french 3 and in AP calc this year </p>

<p>Notable grades
Pre AP World- B
AP World History:B+
AP Comparative Gov(1st semester) - A-
English H 10th grade: B+
English H 11th grade: B
AP Lit(1st semester) - B-
Earth Science- B+
Biology H: A-
Chemistry- B+
Physics(1st semester) - B
Geometry- B+
Alg 2/Trig: B-
AP Calc (1st semester, hard class) - C
Pre-calc- B
French 3 (freshman year)- C-
French 4: B-
AP psych- A-
AP Econ (1st semester) - B
3 business related class which i got straight A's in</p>

<p>ECs (not much, I have asthma which ruled out most sports)
FBLA member (2011)
DECA member (2012- current) - competed in districts and state level competitions. Help with DECA related stuff like Blood Drive, Food Drive, and School Store
Math Tutor for Mu Alpha Theta (2012)</p>

<p>Volunteer- Not much outside of DECA things. I wrote about this in one of their essays; explained how i was going to commit to giving back more and be an example for others</p>

<p>Work- Job as cashier (July 2012-Current)</p>

<p>I talked to VT admissions and they said they liked my application but they wanted to see how their incoming freshman class would look before deciding on me.
Thank you guys for your input</p>

<p>I looked at the admission stats I have for both schools. I think you will be admitted to JMU. You seem to be right on the borderline for Tech. My son would rather have GMU as his safety over JMU. We live in central VA so maybe it’s the allure of the big city. I bet you’ll get in to Tech but it’s always hard to see how these things go. Good luck! </p>

<p>Thank you, hopefully i get into both!! Oh and good luck to your son!</p>