Chance me

<p>Ok, first time post so here it goes
I'm 1st generation student
OR Resident
low income family</p>

<p>GPA is 3.35 (horrible, I know)
hopefully when all is said an done it should be 3.4ish, im retaking classes in which I got a C</p>

<p>AP Tests/classes: US(3) Physics(currently taking), Spanish(currently taking),
Lit(currently taking), Computer Science(currently taking), and Euro(currently taking)
Honors Classes: Soph. English (A/A), Chem (C/A), Physics(currently taking), Pre-Calc</p>

<p>Rank: Top Half
Major: Mechanical Engineering/ Robotics Engineering
Minor: Computer Science</p>

<p>SAT: 1690 I am retaking it, I didn't study the first time and it shows.
Writing: 500
Critical Reading: 530
Math: 660</p>

-French National Honor Society
-Robotics Club (team leader) 3yrs
1st year I got to State, 2nd Year I won state, and went to the World Championship and got to the division semi-finals (8th overall), 3rd year is in progress
-Football 2yrs Varsity, (was a captain for some games)
Conference Champs x2
1st team All-Conference Offensive Lineman(Center) x1</p>

Math League?
French Club</p>

<p>Volunteer service
- WSHS Beautification Day x1
- Walker MS clean up x2
- not much I could think of right now</p>

<p>Schools I'm applying to
Oregon State
Oregon Institute of Technology
Boise State
University of Texas-Austin
Arizona State</p>

<p>Please be honest</p>

<p>emanforlife, as stated many times chance requests are really just guesses and only Admissions knows for sure! That being said, congratulations on all you have achieved in high school and your hard work and determination to get to college! I think the Stanford, Cornell and UT-Austin may be out of your reach due to GPA, rank and test scores. Its a great idea to retake the SAT and do practice tests before the next sitting. Your test scores are on the low end for some of your other schools but I think you would have a good chance for admission as you have challenged yourself in high school with some difficult courses and the Robotics Team is your strongest extracurricular, along with varsity sports. Your first generation, URM status will be a hook. Your parents must be really proud of you. You will find the right college. You might want to search on College Board to see if there are any LACs in your preferred region that might want to add to your list!</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>I agree with everything swm said.</p>

<p>Have you looked into Willamette U in Salem? If you could get your CR and W scores up that would really help put you within their range; and you might get a boost on test scores since you’re first gen and low income. Willamette offers a merit scholarship for OR Latinos, it used to be 1/2 tuition, I don’t know what the current amount is.</p>

<p>If you haven’t done so already, you might want to check out the WUE schools to see if any of them look good for you; tuition would be 150% of what in state students pay. But be careful, not all schools participate and while some give the tuition break to all students that qualify for admission, others treat it more like a merit scholarship and give it only to limited numbers of applicants.</p>

<p>Willamette does not have mechanical engineering or robotics. They do have a 3-2 engineering program but I don’t think this is what the OP is looking for.</p>