<p>Since my EC’s do show a laundry list, then I just wont list all of them on my app. I will only list ones that I care about (for the essays).</p>
<p>Meteman should become a detective trying to point out flaws in everything.</p>
<p><a href=“http://www2.ed.gov/programs/psp/2010/yearbook.pdf[/url]”>http://www2.ed.gov/programs/psp/2010/yearbook.pdf</a></p>
<p>A girl named Brooke from Dr.Phillips HS won the award in 2010. You are a male, hence not Brooke.</p>
Edit: You’ve skilfully manuevered yourself out of my other accusations, but now, I have you cornered!</p>
<p>Do you want to see the award?</p>
<p>Yes, I do, scan it for me and upload the image here. You can block out your name.</p>
^pick the EC’s you’ve been in the longest and the ones you’ve achieved the most in. Don’t write about your EC’s in your essay. Its not mandatory, and if your not TRULY passionate about them, then it will show in your essay and you will come across as a cliche and a fake(not a fake, but something like this–yah im not that good with words)
Sorry for doubting your URM status. Still your hooks will do a lot for you IF you can get those high test scores. Work on those. and take a strong schedule senior year. So, ill ask again, how is your strength of schedule??</p>
<p>Very rigorous 9 AP’s total 5 on all exams but 1 that was World History I got a 4</p>
<p>I should get AP Scholar right?</p>
The fact that you’re applying to Stanford in the same year that I am makes me want to barf.</p>
<p>+1 to meteman.</p>
^y, theres more than 1 freshman class spot at Stanford? Whether you get in or not, will not be decided by whether this poster does or does not get in. Plus, it is NOT set in stone that OP is going to get into Stanford just because of his URM status.</p>
<p>Hey Meteman you looked up Presidential Scholars, look up Presidential of Academic Excellence.</p>
<p>Can you reconcile these two statements? I find them confusing. Are you saying you not only made your Varsity football team as a freshman but were also named a captain as a freshman? That would be impressive at most schools.</p>
<p>Yes the school I went to Edgewater High for 9th grade basically sucked at EVERY sport, except crew and it was easy to make the team all you had to do was be decent, and complete the physical and wahhlaaa. Team Captain was a popularity contest voted on by teamates and I knew that so when I first got in, I was social having fun and I convinced them to vote for me. One kid I gave 5 bucks to vote for me. LMAO.</p>
<p>I really have a hard time believing you could win a popularity contest. Just saying…</p>
<p>Epic thread.</p>
<p>Come and visit my two HS’s and see for yourself how popular I was at one and how popular I am here</p>
<p>^ I am starting to believe you may be pullin’ our legs…Really? come see how popular I am?.. </p>
<p>but I just can’t determine why someone might do this, so perhaps it all falls under the the “truth is stranger than fiction” category.</p>
<p>Why the hell would I waist my time making a chance thread filled with lies? How does it benefit me? Plus if adcoms don’t beleive me they can call my GC, at both schools and ask them.</p>
<p>You sound really insecure for someone who is so popular. Just saying.</p>
<p>I noticed that too^^</p>