Chance Me


<p>ACT: 23 (Yeah I know)</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.47 (I'm taking 10 classes this year to bring this GPA up)</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: 4.019</p>

<p>Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Top 10%</p>

<p>Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Highest achievement in English,</p>

<p>Highest achievement in Social Studies, Highest ascertained score on FCAT, Highest achievement in Math.</p>


<p>Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):</p>

<p>Defensive Team Captain for Varsity football team, in charge of calling plays and making sure everyone is lined up correctly prior to the snap, and audibling out of plays depending on how other offense is lined up. I play LB/OLB.</p>

<p>Varsity Basketball Team Captain: I play small forward/power forward, depending on if we're playing big or small lineup.</p>

<p>President of National English Honor Society: Raise money to help donate books and other reading materials to Salvation Army.</p>

<p>Social Studies Honor Society- Built care-packages to send oversees to troops.</p>

<p>National Honor Society (Running for Treasurer, however, elections won't be held till later in the year and if I am elected, I will be in charge of collecting money, and making sure it's put to proper use.</p>

<p>Spanish Honor Society: Tutor kids who have difficulty in Spanish every Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for 90 minutes.</p>

<p>Key Club: Coordinator, was in charge of scheduling events for us to attend such as Ronald McDonald house, Salvation Army, Goodwill, Retirement homes, and homeless shelters.</p>

<p>American Red Cross: Helped collect money to help send to Japan in order to help with the relief effort in Japan. I was in charge of phone-calls, and we even went door-to-door.</p>

<p>Native American Rights Fund: Help raise money to make lives for Native Americans much better. We built care-packages containing basic necessities such as toothbrushes, toothpastes, non-perishable food items, and board games for kids and adults to enjoy. We then shipped them off to reservations across the U.S.</p>

<p>National Association for the Advancement of Colored People- Helped minorities such as Hispanics, Native Americans, assassin homes and jobs. For a better life.</p>

<p>Race for the Cure: I was able to collect $1750 for Susan G Komen's Race for the Cure, because in late 2010, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and my mom and the Race for the Cure is a special event my mom and I partake in annually.</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: Cashier (Universal Studios)</p>

<p>So, in late 2010, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and she had to undergo intense therapy and was out of work. So, I had to get a job in order to help out my dad. So, everyday I came home for 20 minutes, and then went to work until 11PM, then I came home, Tutored my brother until 1AM, and then I completed my own homework, then went to bed at around 4:00AM, then woke up at 6AM for rinse-wash-repeat.</p>

<p>Volunteer/Community service: 130+ hours at a MASSIVE hospital in Florida</p>

<p>Summer Activities: NARF, NAACP, American Red Cross, Fundraisers</p>

<p>Teacher Recommendation: Should be VERY good</p>

<p>Counselor Rec: Should be good</p>

<p>Additional Rec: My volunteer coordinator will write me a "non-academic rec"</p>

<p>Interview: Not offered in Florida</p>


<p>State (if domestic applicant): <b> Florida (In-State) </b></p>

<p>Country (if international applicant): United States</p>

<p>School Type: Public and VERY competitive</p>

<p>Ethnicity: NATIVE AMERICAN</p>

<p>Gender: MALE</p>

<p>Income Bracket: $56,000</p>

<p>Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM and First Generation (Nobody in my family has even graduated high school, and when I mean no one I mean no one)</p>

<p>Please let me know of my chances for UCF Fall 2012!!!</p>

<p>Also, do I have ANY chance at Burnett's Honors College?</p>

<p>My intended major is Computer Science.</p>

<p>Great EC’s! Perfect, really…but that ACT score is what is going to get you. To be honest, I believe they’ll offer you summer admission. Really, though, great amount of work outside of school.</p>

<p>Oh my! My son has a 23 ACT and a 4.01 weighted GPA, swim team and Red Cross Lifeguard certification but he appears to be quite a slacker compared to you. lol </p>

<p>I sure hope you get in. They would be crazy not to take you.</p>

<p>They wouldn’t be crazy. They would believe he is a highly motivated young man who doesn’t have the english, reading, lower level math, and scientific analysis skills to succeed at the school.
I don’t know you, so I can’t say whether that’s true or not. But i mean i think being “bad” at standardized tests is just not knowing it. You either know it or you dont. Or you guess real well. Not to insult you of course. I don’t know many people that can do what you have done. That’s mad impressive, and if UCF doesn’t take you, someone else will good. After all, it’s just how one (or a couple) admissions people feel at a certain time.</p>

<p>Actually, directed at the post above.
It is psychologically proven that you CAN be bad at tests. I just recently learned this in my AP psychology test. There are, also, such things as test anxiety and such, too. Though, I believe this applicant with get in. Also, he has felt with a huge hardship, which could account for his grades. He could have used after school activities as an escape from what he was facing-I know I did.</p>

<p>Just my onions. I wish you the best of luck:)</p>

<p>AlsoAlso, a second thought. Everyone is well aware by the now that ACT/SAT test do not accurately test such things. Just because you do bad on the test, doesn’t at all mean you don’t know how to do something. Take the math portion for consideration. I pulled a low math score on the ACT, because by the time I figured out when they wanted me to do, I had to move on. I did, however, pull a 29 on reading. We all have the weak subject-that doesn’t mean we know how to do it. These tests don’t test college ‘readiness’ either. It’s simply a test these makers made, that is about as correct as taking an eye exam with the same letters all the way down. Proof of this? My friend pulled a 8 on the essay portion-in that essay, he made reference to vulgar things, and talk about our chocolates covered president, which is very rude. These tests war’ worthless.</p>

<p>If I were you I’d take the hit and apply for summer. Why risk it, because that ACT will not get you in for fall anymore. Thats life. Honors college is a numbers game so apply anyways!</p>

<p>-Write you are correct in that there are some special people who cannot succeed in increasing their scores no matter how many retakes or practice they attempt. But in reality those figures are tiny. In reality we almost always have a weaker section, but at the heart, these tests challenge your critical thinking/logic skills. Not knowledge. Thats why the scores are averaged. my 34 in reading balanced my 24 in math.</p>

<p>Also, If these tests are so unnaccurate why would colleges bother? They bother because we each are provided and equal opportunity</p>

<p>They give us the test, because they can. The truth is, however, the test is very flawed. A well know school, up here in Illinois completely disregards the tests. It’s a competitive, private school in chicago called depaul. Every year, students try to gain acceptance into the school, with high scores, but the admissions doesn’t care. They want a good GPA and TONS of activities outside of school. They even released an interview were they stated, ‘Those who take classes are given an unfair advantage above those who walk in after simply looking over prep books.’ The test sees who quickly you can answer a question, but there are flaws. Such as the math portion, to find an answer to a specific question, you need a graphing calculator. I couldn’t afford one at that point, and could not answer the question. (I believed it was related to changing your mode from radians to degrees.) I know a girl who mesmerized the guitar notes to her favorite muse song, and wrote the notes down, such as ‘A, F, B, C’ and continued to repeat the song. She pulled a 29, by not reading ANY questions. However, the school she applies to will think she’s smart, when really, she was just lucky. I refuse to believe in a test that gives an 8 to a student who wrote about ‘jewish porn’, and also gave an 8 to a student who wrote an 11 worthy essay.</p>

<p>lol find me that problem, every single problem is doable with a basic four function calc.thats a fact. radians is changeable to degrees by dividing the degrees times 180 I believe. We did it last year in Trig. I actually enjoy those sections.</p>

<p>As for the christmas treeing, the same concept could be applied to any class. We have an AP Biology teacher who gives A’s to every student…looks great on a transcript right? Too bad they don’t learn anything. Schooling is just a crapshoot, and unfortunately so is college application. Essays are graded by a paid official. There word is law whether we like it or not. Depending on the overall message sometimes striking messages are better. Cuts through the BS</p>

<p>bottomline is everyone has the same chances on the tests. Compared to relatively unlevel schooling.</p>

<p>I don’t agree with everyone having the same chances. Those who take classes have an unfair advantage to those who don’t, because they can’t afford it. A friend of mine took the ACT, and received a 23. Her parents then shelled out money, and her score went up to a 28. I’m familiar with degrees to radians, yes. There was, however, a particular problem in which is did not ask you to change degrees to radians, or radians to degrees. In order to get the correct decimal, you needed to change it. That is something my math teacher pointed out, and those who did not have a graphing calculator during the ACT could not get it right. It gave you a complely different answer if you didn’t change the modes. Just my opinion, these tests are not accurate. Many colleges have done away with them here-hopefully that continues, and they also look more heavily on activities.</p>

<p>Also, it is a known fact that the paid individuals do not read your essay. They read your intro, and only that. I don’t see how ‘jewish porn’ and talking about our ‘chocolate covered president’ comes across as a ‘good’ kind of striking. We can only assume they didn’t read his essay.</p>

<p>Well if gpa and ec’s are the only fair way to decide applicants should I petition for admission to x university because we dont have a science honor society? or whatever class etc. My point being that gpa is actually much more subjective than test scores. Too many highschools with different curriculums and offerings.</p>

<p>As for classes being taken, the sat website offers so many free tests that I lied to my parents about the website being down so I could stop taking them lol. Anybody who registers can take those. If you can find the act test/issue I will concede, but If you are correct then that entire test would be invalidated by the ACT organization. Parents would flood them with scathing letters. etc. Plus Trig is an older subject, invented and perfected long before the advent of graphing calcs. </p>

<p>Very few colleges have done away with tests, as they are very important. They just put emphasis on holistic review. Which in my opinion is BS because I could lie all day about my EC’s and still get in. I know plenty of people that have done it this year alone. Colleges cannot look into each applicant that deeply to verify it, meaning it should only be taken at face value.</p>

<p>Ever heard of the GRE or MCAT or LSE(?) All are standardized tests just like the SAT/ACT to determine graduate school admission</p>

<p>I think it’s safe to say we don’t think alike, lol. So let’s just agree to disagree:) I’m just hoping that I get defered, at the least. My brother is already done, and has decided to attend Western Michigan. I would just like a chance. I would accept in a heart beat, and it kills me to see that the spots will simply be given to students who ‘settled’ for UCF, because they didn’t get into a ‘higher’ school. UCF is the best, in my opinion.</p>

<p>lol sorry I love to debate and am stuck awake due to an overly long nap. Thats interesting that your brother wouldnt even reapply for summer?</p>

<p>He’s considering stayed, because he wants to stay close to his girl friend. Who he’s been dating a month. There is no guy on this earth that I would allow to affect this decision for me. He’s blinded, and doesn’t see sense. I’ll continue to try and convince him, but it may as well be a lost cause. I’m the more stubborn twin, so no one can change my mind on UCF. I would never make such a decision over a boyfriend. When it comes to everything else, I always put others first. But not my future-this time around, I’ll do what’s best for me.</p>

<p>As a guy who could go pretty much anywhere, I would and have considered going to different colleges for a girlfriend. Sex is one helluva drug.</p>

<p>I have no problem with certain ways. Such as, if he and her just had the same interest in the same college, for reasons other then being together. But she has decided to go there, and has asked him to stay, which he has said yes do. I’m usually a fairly good judge of character, and after them dating simply a month, I can see that this girl is hiding something. She has openly admitted to me that she still holds feelings for an ex, and when I passed on that information to my brother, he wouldn’t listen. I do not like the fact that this girl can come between the trust my twin brother and I have had for years, and the fact he’s going to WMU because she is there. I don’t care if I was in love with a boy. If I feel that I’m better off at one college, and he feels he’s better off at another, we will go our seperate ways. If the relationship lasts long distance, wonderful. If it doesn’t? Oh well, life goes on, and it’s not ment to happen. If my boyfriend even so much as asked me to go to his college, because he wants me to stay with him-odds are I’d end it then and there.</p>

<p>I was planning on going to Auburn for a girlfriend. I did the visits and all that stuff and it seemed like a great school. What made it better was imagining going through college with her. Eventually, we broke up. Then when I imagined the college experience at Auburn without her, it seemed lackluster at best. He’s probably experiencing the same thing. College A with a girlfriend can be better than college B without one. The problem comes when you lose the other person…</p>

<p>Considering they’ve been dating such a short amount of time and she has feelings for an ex, I agree with you here. Unless she’s really hot, in which case you’re dead wrong. </p>

<p>And again, as long as he’s getting sex(ual favors) from her and not you, she wins. That’s how a guy’s brain works.</p>

<p>if shes a ten it might be worth it… might…</p>

<p>Ah, but she’s made it clear she will not be doing ANYTHING along those lines. Looks can only go so far. Personally, the girl is a ticking time bomb. She runs around the school like a nutt case, and NEVER stops talking. Now, I’m a pretty big talker myself, but I usually know when to shut up. I agree, problem, about the whole outlook of college when you know your girlfriend/boyfriend will be there. But it’s a high school relationship, and though it can happen, it’s rare for them to last. I just hope the karma she deserves comes back and bites her, and he ends up breaking up with her. I hate seeing my brother like this, and she’s changing him for the worst. Hopefully it ends soon, and he doesn’t make a choice he’ll later regret. Ah, I agree. Guys think that way:) However, if a guy pulled the whole, ‘If you love me, you’ll stay with me,’ line, he would be tossed to the curb faster then you can say, ‘shove it.’</p>