Chance Me

<p>How do I sound insecure?</p>

<p>You’re refusing to give your name to a single person (not the whole world–a single person) so that they can confirm that everything you’re telling us is true. If you’re telling the truth, you have nothing to hide, right? You’re boasting how great your achievements are and how popular you are in school, yet you won’t even give somebody your name?</p>

<p>Plus, you claim to be a great writer yet your grammar sucks hard.</p>

<p>This is a computer, its not a formal meeting. I don’t feel comfortable giving my name out to a complete stranger.</p>

<p>Hence, insecurity.</p>

<p>You felt comfortable giving us enough information so that we could do plenty of research on our own and now we suspect that you’re lying. Since you insist on coming back to this thread to argue that you’re not lying, you clearly want all of us off your back. You insist on boasting about your achievements and your popularity at school, and you’ve even given us the names of your schools. If you have nothing to hide, give someone your name and let them confirm that you’re telling the truth.</p>

<p>Until you do that, I’m calling bullsh</p>

<p>BTW you still haven’t “addressed” how your team captain of Universal Studios</p>

<p>I was hired, then they were having an internal fair look for team captain at Cafe 4 located in IOA, and I am the head teen Team captain, I am in-charge of the 21 other teenagers that work at Marvel Superhero Island.</p>

<p>I couldn’t care less if you believe me or not. As long as adcomms believe me thats all that matters. CC is not making my college admissions decision, I HOPE and PRAY they audit me so then it will prove to all you little ****s who doubted me… HAHAHAHAHA</p>

<p>^No way is he for real.</p>

<p>Probably the younger brother who got ahold of a login. This kid can’t be more than 10 years old.</p>

<p>I’ve looked at your other threads, and believe that your ECs are indeed fake, why else would someone make a thread asking whether or not stanford audited students, unless he/she was worried about one.</p>

<p>I never knew what auditing was, until I did some research and I was wondering what they ask when they audit.</p>

<p>wow you have a lot of awards</p>

<p>Yes I got those awards when I was accepted into their respective honor societies.</p>


^These are the EC’s you listed in this thread, and below are the EC’s you listed on a Jan. 24th 2011, chance me thread

^Lets look at the inconsistencies between the two.
-Rho Kappa is listed in the 2nd one, but not the 1st one
-Your not cross country captain in the 2nd one, but you are in the 1st one, cross country was in the fall, so there is no way you could’ve become team captain when seasons not on
-Your not track captain in the 2nd one, buy you are in the 1st one, track season starts right around now, so it is viable that you became captain
-In the 2nd one your NHS vice president, in the 1st one, your NHS president
-In the 2nd one, you didn’t mention spanish honor society, but apparently in the 1st one, you getting voted in president next week
-In the 2nd one, your not in Social Studies honor society, but in the 1st one, you are president of the club
-In the 2nd one, your not in business honor society, but in the 1st one, your treasure of the club
-In the 2nd one, you didn’t even list volleyball, but in the 1st one, you list yourself as team captain.
-In the 2nd one, your not in national techinal honor society, but in the 1st one, you are national techinal honor society president</p>

<p>-Theres almost no way you FORGOT all this information in when you posted your Jan. 24th chance me thread, and it is HIGHLY unlikely that you gained leadership in all these in the past weeks. Are you ready to admit you were lying?</p>

<p>Hey bro your pathetic. The fact that you were planning to lie on your college apps, and seeing the kind of person you are, you probably still wiill lie. Don’t say you weren’t going to. Who posts a thread asking does stanford audit, who do they audit, how the process works, etc. Come on man, your better than this, right?</p>

<p>I never listed all of it, in one thread until this one that is why at the end of this chance thread it says FULL APP in all caps. This is where I posted all of it, in the others I listed EC’s that I only cared about. In this one I listed EVERYTHING I am apart of, also with the awards I didn’t list all of them in the older chance threads because frankly I was being lazy. In this thread it is basically EVERYTHING!!! With NHS the President got booted because he received a C on one of his semester exams. I welcome and happily will oblige to colleges conducting audits on my app, they can contact GC, Club leaders and ask and everything I have listed will correlate. I have no point to lie because I can easily be rescinded. So really whats the point?</p>


^really, nobody is lazy enough to add “captain” after typing “track.” Your not a noob, you know leadership positions matter. Theres no way you wouldn’t post all your leadership positions in a chance me thread. Your explanation is 100% BS. Thats not even a good lie, come one OP, i expected better.</p>

<p>OP is not native american. he clearly pointed that out in another thread. </p>







<p>seriously dude, why would you waste others’ time with this useless thread? i’m pretty sure you’re not even in high school yet</p>

<p>@theRADtomato47: See everything you just pointed out?
THAT’S what I meant when I said I wanted to barf.
IF he actually does apply to Stanford, his entire app will be nothing but a lie.</p>

<p>Edit: iamanapp got it spot on.</p>

<p>wow, what a loser, I knew it.</p>

<p>^Who’s the loser? His previoius posts seem to indicate he has a clear intent to defraud a top university. And did we not just help audit his forged application for red flags? He may be having the last laugh enrolled in Stanford as part of the class of 2016.</p>

<p>I am 1/2 URM, my mom is Native American but my dad is ORM he is from India that is why I speak so many Indian languages.</p>