chance me?!

<p>Currently a junior from NY</p>

<p>Classes: College Physics Honors(basically AP), honors spanish, honors english, honors pre calc, college criminal justice....As in all these classes
next year: AP calc, AP spanish and most likely AP environmental</p>

<p>ACT: 30 composite with a 34 on math and a 33 on English (took again, waiting for scores)
SATS: 1930, but taking them again soon
GPA: 97.8%
By the end of next year: Varsity Soccer 2 years, Varsity Spring track 3 years, Varsity winter track 2 years, Varsity Softball 1 year
Clubs: Model United Nations, SADD, Youth against Cancer, Acapella club
Already visited the school
Currently in the top 10% in my grade</p>

<p>Volunteer work:
every year Make America Beautiful Day
blood drive at local temple
feed the homeless every year
Juggling for Judes
Adam Barsel Run, McKeirnan 5K Run both for at least 3 years</p>

<p>Sounds like you have a very good shot! I had similar stats and got in with a scholarship. I would definitely recommend applying early though just to improve your chances…but it sounds like you are on the right track</p>