<p>International student. Race: Chinese. Just came to US. Family: high income
GPA 3.81
Financial Aid: NO
Currently in a private day school in Los Angeles
SAT 2040 Reading 650 Math 740 Writing 650
SAT2 Chemistry 790 Math II 800
AP: Calculus BC 5
Calculus AB(subscore) 5
Chemistry 5
Physics C(Electro) 4
Biology 2
All are home-schooled.</p>
<p>EC: varsity baseball. varsity soccer. guitar player. Local championship winning video game player. Volunteer in City Hero program 10 hours a week. Intern in my father’s company for a summer.</p>
<p>I EA BC and get deferred. My scores since I come to US are all A. I can’t find tabs in the Agora, and feel quite anxious.
Can any one chance me?