chance me?

<p>I'm out of state, but I'm interested in UCF.</p>

<p>GPA - 3.3
Reading- 570
Math - 600
Writing - 580 </p>

<p>I'm in almost all honors classes and I take AP psych.</p>

<p>I'm Vice President of my class, an Eagle Scout, Varsity Golf Team, and involved in a lot of other extra curriculars/community service. </p>

<p>Any honest answers? I saw that the average GPA for UCF was 3.8 which seemed incredibly high for a school with 49,000 students. If anyone could clear that up too, that'd be great. </p>



<p>I am certainly not an authority, but I believe that 3.8 you refer to is a weighted average where UCF assigns an extra .5 point to honors and 1.00 to AP classes. In other words, if you are in all honors classes your 3.4 might be greater than that 3.8 average. I am not sure about your test scores- but look at the common data set and plan to study and retake the SAT/ACT as needed. As I see it, you are not far off from the target. Good luck!</p>