Chance Me!

<p>I'm a high school junior at a large suburban Dallas high school. I hope to be admitted to A&M and want to major in International Studies with an emphasis on politics and diplomacy. I'm eyeing the Masters degree in public policy at the Bush school, as well. But first things first:</p>

<p>I'm ranked in the top 23%. Not impressive, I know. I'm taking the SAT again on May 5, but my current scores are 450 math and 730 reading. They don't care about the writing score but I have a 790 and my essay was a 10 out of 12. Strong writing skills will come in handy on the essays.</p>

<p>I've done cross country, was a cheerleader (multiple ankle injuries ended both activities) and am in Student Council, French Club, all the usual stuff. In student council, I've done a lot of community service. Next year, I'll be in Civitans and will be doing quite a bit more community service.</p>

<p>I'll get a Distinguished Achievement diploma. Do they care about that, or does everyone applying have one?</p>

<p>I've taken Pre-AP and AP courses, and have passed the AP English Language exam. I take the AP Lit exam next month and hopefully will pass that, as well. I'm taking several AP courses my senior year, as well, including economics.</p>

<p>I've worked since I was 15 at the same job in order to save money to study French abroad. I just found out the school in France accepted me for their program this summer. (I can't do it during the school year, it's too difficult logistically.) </p>

<p>I've taken three years of French in high school (this year is Pre-AP French III). My school doesn't offer AP French IV. But I feel strongly about building fluency in a second language for a degree in international studies and working abroad eventually. My school said they would put me in the same Pre-AP French III class next year and "call it" AP French IV, but doing the same verb conjugation worksheets another year is not going to help and that's not AP level work, anyway.</p>

<p>So I've worked and saved for 18 months for this study abroad opportunity and it's finally happening. It's a rigorous school and they are a consultant for the AP French exam for College Board. I'll sit for the EU and French ministry of education exam at the end of the summer. I'm paying for $7200 of the cost (the total is $7500), including paying for my passport. Because of that, my parents have been very supportive. I'm hoping to come back completely fluent. </p>

<p>The reason I mention all this is because I'm going to make it the focus of one of my essays. As cliche as it sounds, this is my passion: learning all I can about other languages and cultures and working in a diplomatic position someday. (Eventually, I'd like to add a third language.)</p>

<p>I feel like my extracurriculars aren't strong enough, but I've been working 20-30 hours a week since I was 15, year-round, with the goal of studying French abroad.</p>

<p>I almost wish A&M did interviews (though I know that's impossible!) because I interview well. I realize I will be a review admit, wait list, Gateway or Blinn Team. I'm applying on August 1, the first day the application opens, just in case.</p>

<p>My mother is an Aggie, graduated in 92, does that make a difference? People have said so, but I don't really see how. I didn't actually pick A&M because of her, she's not very pushy about which school I go to. But I love the school's atmosphere, size, everything about it.</p>

<p>I've attended Aggieland Saturday, Senior Week (for seniors and juniors to come check out A&M) and recently attended the SLOT Conference, for high school juniors and seniors working on leadership skills. I wanted to be sure to show my interest in A&M starting early on. </p>

<p>What are my chances?</p>

<p>And I’d like to apologize for the length. I will be more concise in my essays!</p>

<p>Competition is fierce to get in now. I think you realize that your Math score is too low - you might want to try the ACT to see if that works better for you or get a tutor for math. A friend of ours had the opposite scores (low Eng., near perfect math) and with a tutor he managed to increase his score by 150 & now attends TAMU - good luck!</p>

<p>I think if you can get your SAT Math score way up, than you could get into a A&M</p>

<p>So unless my math score goes up considerably, you don’t think I’d be admitted at all? Even PSA?</p>

<p>I did take the ACT and my math score was better, but I still didn’t reach the overall composite they were looking for (29? Or 31? I can’t remember now). Thanks!</p>

<p>The application specifically asks if a family member graduated and which recruitment event that you attended. It would not be part of the application if it did not matter. it will help. I spoke with a professor of engineering at TAMU, and he stated that some of the Blinn math professors are quite good. If you really want to go to A&M, Blinn Team is something to be considered.</p>

<p>Our friend I referred to was a review admit - if you bring up that score I think you could do it too. It is worth the extra upfront effort.</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance of being accepted especially if you apply very early. If you can study hard and get your math score up 100 points or so I think you have a very good chance, its really only 3-4 questions.</p>

<p>AGmomx2 and Bumzo1: Yes, I looked again at my question and answer service from the last time I took the SAT and realized I got 21 math questions correct. For a 500 on the math section, I only need 26 correct. Problem is, I need to get no incorrect answers (I got some incorrect last time, which brought my score down). So I have a new strategy of going through and finding the ones I KNOW I have right, then the ones I know I can get down to two answer choices for sure. I’m just going to collect points and try that approach on May 5. Of course, better than a 500 would be great, but I’m hoping to at least hit that and get out of the mid-400s, which I feel is pathetic!</p>

<p>Thanks everyone, for your feedback. I’m going to work hard to bring that math score up and hope to be a review admit, but really I’ll take Gateway or Blinn. I do hope I don’t get PSA, but honestly I’ll take that if it comes down to it. </p>

<p>Oh and Bumzo1, I’m going to apply the second it’s open, August 1. :)</p>