<p>Just finished my junior year of high school.</p>
Race - Asian ^__^
Ranked #1 in my class (my school doesn't weight grades and everyone with a 4.0 is #1)
4.0 GPA unweighted
4.16 GPA weighted
4.28 UC GPA
1920 SATs, but I will be retaking them (620 CR, 600 W, 700 M)
I've taken honors chemistry, honors English (JR year), AP US history, 3 years of French, and 4 APs my senior year (macroeconomics, calc AB, English language & comp, and physics)</p>
<p>ECs - not very many but I've been in key club, CSF/NHS next year, 3 season (will be 4) of HS badminton</p>
<p>How many Honors/AP courses does your school offer?</p>
<p>Ktran, your stats sound great! I would consider more community service. UCLA loves community service! Who wouldn’t?
I’ve been admitted as a freshman, and I will start in the Fall. My SAT score was 1730, and my GPA was a 3.98. However, I’ve heard of people with a 4.5 and higher not getting into UCLA though. They’re really looking for an involved student. Make sure your application is strong, and take your time on it. Good luck! :)</p>
<p>Ktran, I would recommend to try to get your SAT close to 2100. Right now your SAT is on the low side. Mean GPA was 4.2 and mean SAT was 2008 for Fall 2012 freshman admissions. You can also take a summer course at community college and try to get an A to up your GPA even more. </p>
<p>This year UCLA accepted 1,700 less California residents then last year. Next year may be worst.</p>
<p>Yeah your ECs aren’t spectacular but the rest of your app aside from your SAT score looks fine. Just write amazing essays</p>