<p>uw gpa: ~3.65
w gpa: 4.3
school doesn't rank
only 1 AP and 2 college courses thus far,
but taking 3 or 4 APs next year and probably 2 college classes</p>
630 cr, 750 math, 710 w (2090)
690 cr, 690 math, 690 w (2070)
superscore of 2150</p>
very limited, i know..
have been working since the summer after soph. year
around 100 volunteer hours from food bank + clothing donation store + working at charity bike race
a few clubs (nothing leadership-esque though)</p>
<p>very low income (mom gets minimum wage, dad is unemployed and not really present in my life)
thinking about writing personal essay on being shaped by financial circumstances and having my house foreclosed on? just a thought, idk if it's taboo not, but i'd love some feedback on that.</p>
<p>lots of legacy at unc-ch...pretty much all of my mom's family, and my dad went to duke for undergrad and then kellogg business school at northwestern (hence why they're on the list)</p>
<p>i'd really appreciate any feedback i can get. thanks!</p>
bryn mawr
mt. holyoke
unc ch
<p>Duke, Northwestern, and possibly Bryn Mawr seem like reaches to me; you’ll need to bring your GPA up a little and retake the SAT/take the ACT if you want a good shot at any of those. As for the rest, I either think you’ll get in or don’t know much about them but assume you’ll get in.</p>
<p>are you a senior? because if you aren’t then you still have time to add much more to your accomplishments. if you are, then maybe retake the SAT one more time? a higher score will definitely help with Duke and northwestern. if you write some stellar personal statements and essays, those will make all the difference. i don;t know too much about willamette or whitman, but i say reach for bryn mawr duke and northwestern like the person above, but with some fantastic essays and PSs, possibly middle to high matches for reed smith and unc ch
hope i helped
chance back? <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1368806-please-chance-me-usc-ucla-stanford-uci-nyu.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1368806-please-chance-me-usc-ucla-stanford-uci-nyu.html</a></p>
<p>The OP wouldn’t say “the summer after soph. year” to mean the current summer. I think the OP is a senior.</p>