Chance Me?

<p>Hi I'd appreciate if you could help me out figuring my chances for Maryland[ul]
[<em>]Senior, Black Male
[</em>]UW: 3.5 | W: 4.2
[<em>]APs: Japanese, Computer Science, Biology, Physics, Statistics, Literature, Calculus
[</em>]Honors: All core classes that were not APs (Geometry, Chemistry, etc.)
[<em>]Major: Computer Science
[</em>]SAT: 1800, hope to increase to 2000
[li]ECs:[/li]Japanese Club (4 years)
Robotics Team (2 years)
Japanese National Honor Society (2 years)
National Society of Black Engineers(2 years)
Computer Club(2 years)</p>

<p>[li]Volunteer Work:[/li]- 38 hours @ local television station</p>

<p>[li]Work Experience:[/li]- Taco Bell
- Target
My public high school (Eleanor Roosevelt) is known for sending many students to UMD, and we have a good relationship. Hopefully this will increase my chances. Also, my high school requires us to do a Research Practicum, which is basically a science project that involves lab experience with mentors and things and we have to submit it to an international science fair thing.</p>

<p>The only thing holding you back is that SAT… Try for that 2000 and if you don’t get it then I’d have a go with the ACT (so people are better at it). Other than that you are hard working, involved, and a minority; all which a positives. I’d say yes. Good luck and don’t slack off ;)</p>

<p>I think you have a solid chance. I don’t think you’ll need a 2000 SAT. If you could bump it up into the 1900’s, you’ll be good.</p>