<p>I'm a Junior and was wondering what my chances for getting accepted into UMD-College Park for Fall 2013 Admissions Out-Of-State.</p>
<p>white,99.9% White school
3.6 UW
4.2 W
have taken 3 AP's
Computer Science, World History(4),and US History
World History 780
took US Last Week
26(retook last week)
Taking AP Environmental, Macro and Micro Economics and Government and Politics next year</p>
On Electric Car racing team, in charge of electronics
UI Coordinator Computer Programming Club
Vice President of Cinema Critique Club
Free-Lance Web Developer and Custom Computer Builder</p>
<p>Have over 200hrs of Community Service through non-profit web developing
and through church </p>
<p>possible hook...
I speak Japanese nearly fluently and lived in Japan during middle school</p>
<p>I plan to major in Computer Science and Minor in East-Asian Studies</p>