UMD Chances

<p>I'm a Junior and was wondering what my chances for getting accepted into UMD-College Park for Fall 2013 Admissions Out-Of-State.</p>

<p>white,99.9% White school
3.6 UW
4.2 W
have taken 3 AP's
Computer Science, World History(4),and US History
World History 780
took US Last Week
26(retook last week)
Taking AP Environmental, Macro and Micro Economics and Government and Politics next year</p>

On Electric Car racing team, in charge of electronics
UI Coordinator Computer Programming Club
Vice President of Cinema Critique Club
Free-Lance Web Developer and Custom Computer Builder</p>

<p>Have over 200hrs of Community Service through non-profit web developing
and through church </p>

<p>possible hook...
I speak Japanese nearly fluently and lived in Japan during middle school</p>

<p>I plan to major in Computer Science and Minor in East-Asian Studies</p>

<p>If you had to ask me, I would probably say that you would get admission to Freshman Connection. Your Weighted and Unweighted GPA are slightly on the low side, your Standardized tests are mediocre, and besides your community service, your ec’s are nothing stellar. Here is my advice. Try to get your Standardized test scores up to 2000+ on the SAT or 30+ on the ACT. Try to improve your ec’s. Maybe join some more clubs such as SGA, Academic Team or Quiz Bowl, NHS, Key Club, etc.</p>

<p>Thanks for Responding
I forgot to mention I’m an NHS Officer,that my High School is the 3rd best in my State(CT), and my GPA has been on an upward trend </p>

<p>also I think that on my retake of the ACT I probably got a 31+</p>