Chance me?

<p>Transferring to VT's mechanical engineering program as a sophomore from a different school. I applied last year in high school and but was rejected. I have been working hard this year and I hope you guys can tell me how things might turn out this time around. I understand that it's really hard to tell exactly what chances are since the admissions team looks for different things each year and they can be unpredictable but I just want your guys' opinion on just how realistic my chances are in relation to other people who either got accepted or rejected from VT's engineering program.</p>

<p>High School Stats (GOT REJECTED):
SAT: 1390/1600
ACT: 28/36
AP's: Calc BC - 4 (AB subscore - 5), Bio - 4, Environmental - 4
IB: Got mainly 4's and 5's (both HL and SL) and 3 on Chem HL
GPA: 4.24 Weighted
Grades: Mainly B's, decent amount of A's mainly in math/sci, and some C's mainly in english, history and language classes
E.C's: Free Math tutoring (grades 10-12), Chess club (pretty dead during the year) (grade 12), Forensics Speech team (12), Debate team (12), Co-President of Mu Alpha Theta (hardly did anything, kind of a dead club/organization) (12), Robotic's team (placed 2nd in competition) (12), Worked as a sales associate at Best Buy for 1 year.
Honors/Awards: Top-Scorer in Virginia Math League (grade 10) (also in grade 12 but wasn't able to mention that in the app), National Spanish Exam (60th - 70th percentile for levels 2 and 3)
Essays: Not the best in the world but also not completely horrible
Recommendations: Good/great in quality
Other info: Took community college classes in high school. Got 2 C's, 1 B and 1 A (4 classes over 3 semesters) (Was not able to show college one of those C's and that A since grades were not out then)</p>

<p>Current College Stats:
Current Courses (credits - 19 total):
-Chem 101 + lab (4)
-Calc based Physics 1 + lab (5)
-English 2 (3)
-Calc 2 (4)
-Intro to engineering (3)
-Teaching myself calc 3 and getting credit for it by examination </p>

<p>Next Semester Courses (not final yet):
-Calc based Physics 2 + Lab (4)
-Electric Circuits + Lab (4)
-Partial Differential Equations (3) - graduate level class
-Linear algebra (3)
-Mechanics of Deformables (3)
-Thermodynamics (3)
-Science class, probably something in physics (3)
(I understand that this is more than 19 credits, please do not judge/comment negatively)</p>

<p>GPA: Realistically shooting for a 4.0 this semester, but worst-case scenario would be between 3.5 and 4.0
E.C's: Japanese Club, Quiz Bowl Team, Rubik's Cube Club (not official). Planning to work as a paid math tutor for my current college at the beginning of next semester, looking into helping a professor with research
Essays: Expecting them to be great but nothing outstanding
Other Info: Visited Tech and went to a research presentation (I will be mentioning that in one of my essays)</p>

<p>If this still isn't enough to give a relatively high chance of getting in (not just barely), what can I do to improve? Also, how does this stack up if I want to get into the honors program?</p>