Chance me

<p>I am an Indian student ... U have 1810 on the SAT. 670 math 530 writing and 610 reading..... I have 550 and 680 on math2 Nd physics respectively...!</p>

<p>I was throw ball school captain
represented school and was on the two member team who went to Lunga book of records quiz.!
I have 60 hours of social service teaching underprivileged children through a NGO.
I am in the top 10 percent of my school.
my marks in grade 11 are okay .
I have 81 percent in Grade 8 and 9 and 88.98 in grade 10. 80 in grade 11 and 96 in grade 12 midterm .my rank is 1 / 208 students in 12th if it helps
And many competitions like elocution gold medals and essay bronze medal .
Plz chance me for Purdue . UT AUSTIN, Michigan state , University of illinois Urbana champaign, Virginia polyechnic and ut Arlington plzzz and u Mich please...!</p>

<p>Bump bump bump</p>

<p>By the way I have also interned for a company named artech as an engineer for 3 months</p>

<p>No offence, but your SAT scores are terrible.</p>

<p>Yeah so which will be a good match and so suggest me please</p>

<p>You should be fine for state.</p>

<p>they aren’t bad…
just a little low…you can still counter it with ECs</p>

<p>How are my chances for Purdue Penn state and Texas A&m</p>

<p>And also I have 96% in 12 th midterm</p>

<p>And i am 1/ 208 in the graduating class</p>

<p>Bump bump bump</p>

<p>Noone ??? Plz chance me… I am full pay . Chance me for uiuc specifically and all of the above</p>

<p>Bump bump bump</p>

<p>Also I am a prospective freshman from India. I have a doubt.
I gave my counselor my secondary school as well as my 11th and 12th grades. My counselor said that she has uploaded all my transcripts to the school report section. So what is the mid year report and optional report? I know that the final report is 12 th board final exams. But is it okay if my counselor leaves the midyear report and the optional section blank. I am asking this because my college is new to all this. She has already submitted the school report. She asked me to mail me and clear the doubts in my mind. Is the process finished ???</p>

<p>Midyear report is Class 12 Half Yearly Exams Report Card.</p>

<p>Anyone else chance me please . Pudue and UIUC ?</p>

<p>I suggest you assess your chances on your own by matching your stats with the admitted class of Falll 2013 in both the colleges.</p>

<p>For UIUC you can match your stats with the Freshman Class of 2017 here,</p>

<p>[U&lt;/a&gt; of I Admissions: Freshman Admission Requirements](<a href=“]U”>Page Not Found, Illinois Undergraduate Admissions)</p>

<p>And you can do that for Purdue here,</p>

<p>[Purdue</a> University :: Freshman Class Profile, Fall 2013](<a href=“]Purdue”>Freshman Class Profile - Undergraduate Admissions - Purdue University)</p>

<p>Yes but the admission states of Purdue are in general not engineering. Also is there any chance I could get in to the mechanical engineering program of UIUC ?</p>

<p>You’ll be fine at Virginia polyechnic and UT Arlington, unless ofcourse, you need aid. You should retake your SAT for UIUC and Purdue. UT Austin is very high reach with your stats.</p>