<p>I just got my sat scores and I am not very happy with it.
SAT october 2013
Math: 740
CR: 590
Writing: 650
Total: 1980</p>
<p>I am an international student(from India) and can pay the full expenses.
I am applying to UIUC for the electrical and computer engineering course.
Here are my stats:</p>
<p>Class rank: 1/56
10th grade percentage: 94.6%
11th grade percentage: 89%
12th mid year report: 80%(strict corrections)</p>
Attended an internship in a technical plant
Participated and won in inter school quiz competitions
Currently hold a 6th grade certificate in solo piano from the Trinity College of London
Member of the ecology club and quiz club in my school
Done a community service of 100 hours
Played soccer in school level</p>
<p>I am applying for RD.
Please chance me!!! Very anxious here because UIUC is my dream school. Also, does UIUC take in many indian students?</p>
<p>Im from india too haha
umm UIUC only looks at grade 10 because for cbse/ssc/ice/ib the course is considered in progress, Engineering is competitive but you have a chance, non engineering you’ll get in</p>
<p>@premrao Thanks for replying! Anyone else, please?</p>
<p>Where else have you applied?
You’re a match for UIUC but you should definitely apply to other schools of engineering.</p>
<p>I am also applying for purdue, penn state and texas a&m. Am I a match for these universities?</p>
<p>Hey Sanjay. I’m Indian too, so we’re quite similar in that regard. Are you from ICSE or CBSE(I’m guessing the former)?
For full-paying Indians, Purdue is usually a safety/low match(ridiculous, I know). Penn State, you have a shot. Texas A&M is ranked very highly, so I’m assuming it’s a great deal more competitive. Yet, I’d put it in the high match category. would’ve been a mid-match, if not for your SAT scores. I know several people who’re applying there with 2300’s. </p>
<p>As for UIUC, you’re a highly competitive applicant for that place. Especially as(again) a full-paying and academically achieving Indian kid. What are your essays like?</p>
<p>PS: Chance me back please :3 <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1572592-columbia-ed-top-state-schools-ea-chance-international.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1572592-columbia-ed-top-state-schools-ea-chance-international.html</a></p>
<p>Actually, TAMU is much less “highly ranked” than Penn State, (about 70 TAMU to 37 Penn State) but TAMU is very competitive because they’re required to admit all Texas students who rank in the top 10% of their class plus a certain number of other students with high scores, so that leaves very few spots for international students.
UIUC : match
Purdue: safety
Penn State: reach
TAMU: reach due to the very few spots but okay SAT-wise</p>
<p>Thanks for replying, people! Actually, my syllabus is state board, which I guess is even more rigourous for 11th and 12th. My essays are okay, but not perfect as my experiences till now has been somewhat dull. My dream school is uiuc and if I get in there, I will surely go. Hope to go to uiuc!</p>
<p>Well here’s hoping you make it! :)</p>
<p>Could someone also chance for UMinn-Twin Cities, please? Heard that their engineering course is competitive.</p>