Chance me

<p>So chance me pls</p>

<p>GPA 3.9/4.5
Rank 10% of 430</p>

<p>CR 750
M 770
W 680
2200 </p>

<p>AP scores</p>

<p>Physics 5
Programming 5
Calculus 4
French 5</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: I have a job at a local technology repair shop, co-founder of a programming/web-design club, I am captain of robotics team, i've been doing DECA 2 years, I also interned at th corporation my father works for. I am fluent in english, spanish (mother taught me), mandarin (taking lessons for past 3 years), French (from school). On the subject of languages, I taught myself 7 programming languages.
Volunteer: 500 hrs. every summer clearing out computers for school system. Tutor middle schoolers every wednesday since junior year</p>

<p>I am 1/2 hispanic, 1/2 white
From Mass
$110,000+ family
Prospective major: Comp sci</p>

<p>So these colleges:</p>

<p>University of Maryland
UC Berkeley (I heard its impossible to get in OOS)
Worcester Polytechnical Institute
Univ. of Chicago</p>

<p>Thank you, I will chance back!</p>

<p>University of Maryland: safety
NYU: match
USC: match
UCLA: low reach
UC Berkeley (I heard its impossible to get in OOS): low reach
UNC: match
CMU: reach
Worcester Polytechnical Institute: match
Univ. of Chicago: reach</p>

<p>best of luck and please chance back!
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank you! just chanced back.</p>

<p>University of Maryland: Safety
NYU: Match
USC: low reach
UCLA: low reach (OOS)
UC Berkeley: Reach (OOS)
UNC: Match
CMU: Reach
Worcester Polytechnical Institute: High Match
Univ. of Chicago: Reach</p>

<p>I honestly believe your EC’s are better than mine, and your SAT scores are great. One of the admissions officers from UC came to my school and told me that they look at which AP Classes/Tests you took. If you took an AP class but skipped out on the test it looks bad depending on how far the college you’re looking at looks into it. Considering you’ve only taken 4 AP tests, I’d imagine you might have… But quality is better than quantity after all.</p>