Chance Me

<p>Fall 2014 Early Action Applicant</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: 4.7
Unweighted: 3.5
SAT: 1730</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP United States Government
Statistics Honors
Journalism 3 Honors
AP Psychology
ENC 1101/ ENC 1102 (Composition I and II at Broward College)*
EVR 1009/ SYG 2000 (Environmental Science and Sociology at Broward College)*
*Fall/Spring Semesters</p>

<p>Extracurriculars (in short)
Technology Editor of the school Newspaper
Treasurer of Relay for Life (my schools team)
Treasurer and Activities Coordinator of TROOP (Teens Reaching Out to Other People)
Earned Black Belt in Taekwondo
Silver Knight Nominee for New Media</p>

<p>Additional Information: University of Miami Legacy (Mother)</p>

<p>what was your CR+M score?
Did you take ACT?
class rank?
Were most of your classes Freshman>Junior yr. honors??</p>

<p>CR+M: 1200 (CR:570 and M:630)
ACT I tried it once and the day i took it i didn’t feel well so i don’t want to use those as a factor for admission (wasn’t up to my standards due to that setback)
Class Rank: Top 10% out of 424 students
All of my freshman through junior year classes were honors, AP or dual enrollment courses at broward college</p>

<p>Although SAT is really weak compared to rest of your application, your EC’s, GPA and leadership is good. High match.</p>

<p>By the way, I totally know who you are, Anthony. I knew there would be at least one charter person here.</p>

<p>umm do i know you? @arrozconleche</p>

<p>Yeah. Lol. You do.</p>

<p>are you sure i know you?</p>


<p>Edit your post now and remove the name. This violates the websites confidentiality agreements. </p>

