Chance me?

<p>Major: Mathematics
Schools: MIT(dream school, but I know there's probably no chance), Cornell, UCB, Princeton, Columbia, NYU, UF, Stanford, other Ivies (pipe dreams I know lol)</p>

<p>State: FL
School: Public school, part of the IB program we take AP up until senior year and then IB classes
Race: Latino from Brazil, have no idea what to check for race box since my family tree is all over the place, always wondered whether or not to mark native american, because a good percentage (25%) of my ancestry is in the indigenous peoples of Brazil, and although I've always wanted to make contact my family has had no money to go back to Brazil.
Gender: Male
Income: $30,000
If it helps I'm first generation American, and I would be first generation college</p>

<p>GPA: 3.77 UW, 4.99 W
Rank: 11 of 564
SAT: 2110 - M 740, CR 690, W 680, taking it again on saturday hoping to get an 800 in math, and above 700 writing and reading
SAT II: Math 2: 790
Chem: 690
AP exams: World History (4), AP Calc AB (5), AP Literature (3), AP Stats (5), AP Computer science (5), AP psychology (5), AP macroeconomics (4), also took microeconomics, biology, chemistry, calc bc, english language and comp, and US history, finding out those scores in July

<p>Geometry - A,A (summer between 8th and 9th)</p>

<p>Humanities - A,B
AP World - A,A
Algebra 2 honors- A,A
Biology honors- A,A
Band - A,A
English honors - B,B
French 1 honors-A,B</p>

<p>Precalculus IB - A,A (summer between 9th and 10th)
AP macroeconomics- A
AP computer science- A,A</p>

<p>Chemistry honors- B,A (we had no teacher first semester)
AP literature and comp - B,A
IB MYP Speech - B,A
AP Psychology - A,A
AP Calculus AB- A,A
AP Statistics - A,A
French 2 honors - B,A</p>

<p>AP lang and comp - A,A
AP chem- A,A
AP US history- A,A
AP Microeconomics/IB theory of knowledge- A,B
AP Calculus BC- A,A
French 3 honors - B,B
AP Biology - B,C (yeah I know I had a really rough second semester this class killed me, can't tell you how much I've cried over that C)</p>

<p>Senior course load:
IB English 4 SL
IB Chemistry SL
IB Math HL
IB Further math HL
IB Economics HL
IB French 4 SL
IB Theory of knowledge/dual enrolling math(Intro to abstract algebra)
Real analysis first semester at FAU</p>

<p>in addition I've taken the following courses through dual enrollment at Florida Atlantic University:
Discrete Mathematics A
Matrix Theory(Linear Algebra) A
Survey of Geometry(A course on euclidean geometry and projective geometry) A</p>

<p>and the following courses through Stanfords EGPY:
Multivariable Differential Calculus A
Multivariable Integral Calculus A
Differential Equations A
I paid for these classes myself by buying and selling stocks, a personal hobby of mine, I've made over 7000 dollars this year by doing it, and while much of it has gone to continuing my education, I've also devoted a lot of it to helping my family since we barely make ends meet.</p>

Freshman year: Marching band(Clarinet, also do a lot of music, play guitar and piano as well, and write music)
Mu alpha theta mathematics national honor society (Algebra 2 team)
Recycling club
Sophomore year: Mu alpha theta (historian of the club) (Captain of Calculus team)
Recycling club (Club technician, made videos and stuff)
Junior year: Mu alpha theta (President, youngest ever) (Captain of Calculus team)
National Honor society
Founding officer of science national honor society (treasurer)
In the process of writing a book on the beauty of mathematics, it's almost completed about 80% done, will spend summer hoping to publish it by the end.</p>

<p>Collaborating with the mathematics department at the local uni (Florida Atlantic University) to prepare novel cryptography research, I've been doing this for about a month so far it's really been incredibly enlightening, an incredible experience!</p>

<p>Will be going to Brazil and teaching a course to high school teachers on how to approach high school mathematics with students (This is definite, already planned it out with family and the school, family friend is a higher up in a school system in southern Brazil hopefully will be an eye-opening experience)</p>

<p>Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I don't have the greatest grades in the world and that C makes me worried but I have always tried hard to tackle a lot because learning is what makes me happy, and if it isn't obvious I have a huge passion for mathematics, it's my dream to be a mathematician, a dream shared by my grandfather, who was recently deceased I was very close to him but as the second in my family to attend college (first was my older brother) and only the second generation to finish secondary school (my grandparents didnt even finish primary school, my grandmother never attending school at all) I hope to carry on his dream.</p>

<p>Oh also I’m a questbridge college prep scholar, and I think I may be getting this National Hispanic recognition thing from collegeboard, my guidance counselor filled it out for me.</p>

<p>Your grades are decent, as are your extracurriculars. Course load and out of school academic studies are excellent. Latino heritage and first generation status, as well as traveling abroad may be helpful. If I had to pick one are to improve, it would be the SAT score, but you are already addressing that. MIT and Ivies, Stanford will be reaches… as they are for most. Keep working hard to keep that unweighted GPA up and good luck with everything.</p>

<p>I think the most important part of your application is that you are a Questbridge Scholar. That puts you on a different playing field. (Congratulations, by the way, you should be very proud.) All the Ivies are still reach schools for you, but it sounds like you have some very compelling extra curricular activities and an interesting back story and heritage. Normally your grades and SAT score would not be considered competitive, but given you are a Questbridge Scholar and have a series of compelling extracurricular activities, I believe you are a competitive applicant. Start early on your essay and secure rock solid recommendations. </p>