Chance me?

<p>4.5 cumulative GPA (weighted); took every AP school has to offer (11 total)
AP scores: 3 4s and 3 5s for those I have taken so far
test scores: 35 ACT (didn't submit SATs)
summer work: did lab research at Yale for 8 weeks this summer; have done intensive studies academic camps every other summer. Organized a community service project abroad last summer, as well
cross country captain and MVP; team undefeated since I became captain last year
lots of miscellaneous awards... won school speech contest 3 years in a row, RPI medal, won schoolwide us history thesis award, honors society
speak 3 languages fluently
have done foreign exchange</p>

<p>Oh also
top GPA award for school last year
play viola
play JV ice hockey; rode horses for 8 years
have had extensive experience mentoring, tutoring, etc
and my parents emigrated from Bosnia (I am white)</p>

<p>This from @IxnayBob on another Yale Chance Me thread, which is worth repeating. Best of luck to you!</p>



<p>@gibby, I need to proof-read; I hadn’t noticed the “not not” in the second sentence of the second paragraph. :slight_smile: </p>