Chance me

I have been postponed after I applied EA
GPA- 3.77 out of 4
ACT- 29
Captain of 2 varsity sports
several AP and honors
3.9 first semester of senior year
senior schedule: english honors, ap physics 1, ap human geo, calc, spanish 5, accounting, global business
2 solid recommendations
visited campus
high honor roll
national business, spanish, and science honor society
and i have been in contact with my rep explaining that wisco is my number one choice!!


It’s 4th March already, surely you can wait 3 or so more weeks (or possibly even less) for a decision?

On that note, how did you get a hold of your rep? I don’t get personal responses to my emails and the contact us page only provides one main email, so it’s hard for me to figure out who my rep is and get a hold of her

Maybe Raise the ACT a bit. I think you have a good chance.
What’s your major?

Economics and I got a 35 on the math part of the ACT, so I am not sure if they look at the subscores @CodingKing‌

If colleges do look at the individual scores they’re mostly for math and english, and the combined english/writing. Whatever the case, your ACT is somewhat low, and GPA is kind of average. ECs are not too impressive whereas the recommendations might help. Just to be honest here, your profile as a whole seems too generic but who knows what might happen. Strong essays might be a good factor to take in but can’t say much then too. Hoping for the best for you, regardless. Best of luck, mate.

Chance me?

No “EA” = early action at UW. Rolling admissions. You’re in that vast middle pool that has to wait to see after UW has a chance to review all applications that came in by the deadline. You are admitted to the university as a whole so your high math ACT score must have been offset by a low subscore in another field- same as for the 35 in reading with a low math score. Your proposed major makes no difference- your competition is ALL who apply, not just those good in math. btw- I presume that’s an unweighted gpa.

Visiting campus has no influence on admissions.

The only thing that I worry about is your ECs because they could be higher. Otherwise you look like a solid candidate :slight_smile:
Chance me for UW-Madison please!