Postponed Chances

Act comp: 27 (math and science both 29)
GPA: 3.15
5 APs
Taken/taking Calculus 2 and Calculus 3 senior year.
EC: GSA, Dance, National Honors Society of Dance Arts, paid engineering internship, science club

I know my GPA sucks, but it’s mainly because of personal issues (depression) I had my freshman and sophomore year. I’ve worked really hard since to work back up.

Also has anyone who’s postponed gotten their final decision yet??

hey, I’ve been postponed also and I haven’t heard anything yet. I’m hoping we might get our decisions tomorrow!

@wis2020 that’s what I was thinking!

You need to tell us more about your essays and teacher recs (at least how good you think they were).

Based on what you’re giving us here, I’d say your chances are slim to none.

For those wondering when decisions will come out, check out the recent conversations on the UW Madision Fall 2016 Decisions thread:

Last year, postponed decisions and 2nd admit decisions started on the 3rd Friday of March. However, that was 3/20 last year. So, it may still be to early and we may have to wait a bit more. Your financial aid page is a leading indicator of a pending decision.

@jpamsel I have three great letter of recs: 2 from past math teachers, and 1 from the vice president from the company that I work for. My essays were good and edited by my mother who is a journalism major.

A strong junior year will make up for a weak start. If your junior (and senior) gpa is close to a 4.0 you do have a much better chance. In fact I suspect UW kept you in the pile because your grades had improved while they may have flat out rejected you if your gpa were consistently close to a 3.0

I have a 3.73 gpa, 26 act, very involved in extracurriculars and sports, involved outside of school through my church as well. 2 great recommendations. 2 jobs

what are my chances

@uwmadisonhopeful I’d say pretty good but I really don’t know at this point! Plus they say they’re taking more out of state this year, and I’m in state so I’m really nervous about that

How does the financial aid page affect one’s decision? Thanks

@erdockw the financial aid page does not “affect” the decision, but in past years it has been an early indication of decision that an acceptance is forthcoming. If you are still waiting a decision your financial aid page currently states that no financial aid information was found. Last year there were a few posts that stated that their financial aid page had changed in the morning to allow them to select a financial aid year. Then later that night they got an acceptance notification. Not sure if that is the way it will work this year, but something to monitor. There is more discussion (and links) regarding this if you browse around the last 3 or 4 pages in the main 2016 admissions thread.

@BrewCrew82 I was actually denied last semester when I applied for spring as a transfer, but the financial aid for this current year still is shown in my student center. Also, they posted a link in my admissions saying to report final term grades, which was added after a few weeks of my denial(with no notification), so I’m not sure if it’s a good indication or not. Maybe for incoming freshman? Does anyone have a screenshot of what a postponed decision looks like? I’m curious if I was possibly postponed then or not :confused:

In terms of your chances, if you kept your GPA above a 3.6 since your freshman year I’d say you have a shot.

@Natalie278, good to know. Maybe its like U of Minnesota where there was this thought that if your status changed to “application carefully being considered” then it was good news when in reality it just means you will receive a decision soon. Although, not sure why they would bother to update or offer financial aid if you are not accepted.

There is not really a postponed “screenshot” I can offer. This is what it currently states in the student center:

In the Notification link you can click on your decision letter which bascially just starts:

…then goes on to state most of the same language from above about planning to provide semester grades.

@BrewCrew82 Thats fine, I just wanted to know what the text said. I’m wondering if its possible that its displaying the Financial aid year due to my current enrollment at a university in the UW system. myUW also displays my employment history at my current university, so thats a possibility.

My son was admitted at UW - LaCrosse. On that site it shows a drop down box and he can select a year for Financial Aid…but not on the MyUW site.

@BrewCrew82 Very strange! Not sure what it means then. It’s for this current year, not the upcoming year, so I’m not taking it as a sign of anything.

My son was admitted to the College of Engineering at Madison! Email was sent March 23. Admitted student event is offered April 22.