Chance me

I’m a senior applying to all UC’s and I just want to know what my chances are. My top schools are UCLA,UCB, and UCSD. I’m a CA resident majoring in chemistry/ biochemistry.

GPA: UC(W) 4.62, UC(capped) 4.31, UW 4.00
I don’t know school rank but I think it’s top 20 out of around 600-700
SAT: 1540 (770 for both sections)
Subject tests: Chemistry(790) and US History(780)
AP’s: world(4), APES(5), chem(5), US(5), Lang(4), pych(5), calc ab(5)
I’m taking AP stat, AP lit, AP calc bc, AP bio, AP gov, and AP macro senior year.

Speech and Debate (3 years): I am captain this year at and have qualified to states twice and done well and gotten awards at some local and invitational tournament.

Key Club(4years): I have served as treasurer, VP, and pres. I plan community service events and have gotten around 170 hours with this club. I received a silver and bronze award from the district for service hours and have received a distinguished VP award. I am also part of the Division Leadership Team which organizes events for a group of 11 clubs.

UCLA Lab Internship: I interned at a UCLA geochemistry lab for 3 months during the summer and beginning of senior year for around 5-7 hours a week. I weighed/ cleaned samples and worked with some technical equipment. I also partook in group discussions on research papers.

Science Tutoring (2 years): I tutor an elementary science Olympiad team for 2 hours every week during first semester.

School Ambassador: I’m doing this senior year. I basically advertise my school to local middle schools and lead school tours. Only around 11 students were handpicked for this activity.

Just AP scholar with distinction and honor roll.

One of my PIQ’s is really good and the others are solid but nothing exceptional. Thanks for reading all of this!

You are competitive for all the UC’s. UCLA/UCB should be considered Reach schools but you are definitely qualified. Best of luck and I am sure you will have many options from which to choose.