Chance me?

<p>Hello guys, my college results were disappointing and I cannot attend U of Mich because their aid is horrible since I am oss. So I need to get into Carnegie Mellon. Can you guys chance me? I am applying to H&SS at Carnegie Mellon</p>

<p>SAT: 690M 700W 650 Reading
SAT II: 720 (Math I, Math II, Chemistry)
GPA: 3.7W (deflated since class rank is top 5%)
ECs: Newspaper, Math League 4 years, Hindustani Classical Indian Music for 5 years, Tae Kwon Do for 3 years, Own a small business online, and also have worked at a company Bozzuto's inc for the past two summers.</p>

<p>IF you guys need anything else let me know.</p>

<p>You'll find out soon enough. You're not a clear (crazy high stats) admit or clear reject, so we can't tell you anything concrete.</p>

<p>anybody else? Let me know your thoughts</p>

<p>can someone post their Stats who got into H&SS?</p>