Chance me!?

<p>I am so sorry since everyone seems to have the same thread latley, but everyone is also nervous about the results…</p>

<p>I am applying to (favorite to least favorite):</p>

<li>Groton School</li>
<li>Concord Academy</li>
<li>Middlesex School</li>
<li>Brooks School</li>

<p>Extra curriculars:</p>

<p>Horse back riding (10 years)
Soccer (1 year) -indoor, fall, and spring
Junior Honor Society
Community Service Club
Cooking Club
4H -10 years (junior vice president)
Theatre (3 years) -5 or 6 musicals
IEA (interscholastic equestrian team)


<p>A’s all the time
Expecting between 83%-94% on SSAT’s
All the interviews went well- especially at Brooks and Middlesex. Also, my mom has a friend that will recomend me to Brooks, which is my least favorite :(.
my recomendations should be good…</p>

<p>I think that is it.</p>

<p>Do you know my chances for being accepted to any of these schools?</p>

<p>I would really appreciate it.</p>

<p>Also, is there anything I can do to improve my chances?</p>


<p>What year are you applying to?</p>

<p>I am applying for ninth grade…</p>

<p>anyone else out there? sorry, but i am soo nervous…</p>

<p>you seem like a good enough applicant, you should have a good chance of getting but without ssat scores i can’t really say</p>

<p>The horseback riding thing sounds really nice, have you won any awards for that or been doing it competitively or something? I’m not so sure if those schools offer that so you might want to look into it.</p>

<p>One small tip is to treat every school you apply to with the same attitude, have the mindset that you’d be incredibly happy if you were to be accepted into any one of them regardless of prestige and name. If you don’t want to apply to Brook or don’t feel so strongly about it then don’t apply.</p>

<p>I identify Groton as your stretch, but definitely apply because you have a good chance. I don’t think you’ll have any problem with the other schools.</p>