How much of a chance do I have?

<p>I am appyling to Brooks School, Concord Acedemy, Groton School (i am willing to board there, but only there), and Middlesex Academy for 9th grade.</p>

<p>My resume is as follows:</p>

<p>-horse back riding (11 years)
-4H (9 years) -junior vice president
-soccer (1 year)
-piano (1 year)
-theatre (3 years)
-health club (3 years)
-cooking club (1 year)
-Junior Honor Society (1 year)</p>

<p>I am prob. going to get in the high 80's for SSAT's (i have a tutor and am working my butt off)</p>

<p>I will prob. have good recomentdations.</p>

<p>Also, if you are a student or an alumni at any of these schools chould you tell me what you liked about them and what your SSAT score was?</p>

<p>Thank you so much</p>

<p>PS The interviews went well</p>

<p>please people, I need a ball park range…i would really appreciate it…</p>

<p>I don’t know the schools very well but I can give you something…</p>

<p>Did you start those 1 year-long ECs just for boarding school? That shows you aren’t really dedicated… If not, why did you wait so long?</p>

<p>You have strong ECs other than those. What about school grades?</p>

<p>i agree with saer on the ECs, are you good at essay writing?</p>

<p>I do have strong essays. I started teh ECs beacause i had been wanting to but I was to nervous because everyone had already started way before me. i got the initiative to do it becauase I wanted to, and because i needed mor ECs. I am planning to indoor soccer this winter and I am planning participate in spring and summer soccer.</p>


<p>i really dont know i need help too.</p>

<p>what i say is that what you lack you can make up for in something else. maybe you’re not that great at math but you’re really advanced at an instrument, or you did OK on the ssats, but you’re ECs are solid and great. not every kid is gonna be the perfect student. what are you really concerned about on your application? you could “make up” for it by being great it something else</p>