Chance Me

<p>Chance me for University of Arizona</p>

<p>I live in Southern California.
My GPA is between 3.0-3.2
ACT is 21
5 Honors/AP</p>

I will hopefully be an Eagle Scout by the time I apply. I have been SPL (equal to president in boy scouts)</p>

<p>I have been webmaster, secretary, and vice-president of engineering club.
I also have started and mentored an elementary school robotics team. (this counts as community service)</p>

<p>Also, I will be applying close to early December. Will applying this late hurt my chances of getting in.</p>

<p>I’m mildly freaking out because this is kinda my top choice school.<br>
Any opinions would be greatly appreciated!!!</p>

<p>Well ill be honest you gpa sucks and you act is terrible,so your chances at any UC is very low.</p>

<p>Im not talking about UC. Im talking about Arizona. Wrong thread buddy</p>

<p>oh sorry dude</p>

<p>yeah i think ur fine.</p>

<p>You have a very good chance; plenty of kids from my high school who I question how they even graduated got into Arizona last year. Not to diss the school, because I think it’s a great place and one of my top choices as well…</p>

<p>But why are you applying so late? Admissions is rolling, so it’d be in your best interest to apply earlier.</p>

<p>Will applying in early December hurt my chances that drastically?</p>

<p>I doubt it, but I’d apply earlier just to be on the safe side. If not, you should still be able to get in without a problem.</p>