Chance me...?

<p>Applying for sfs early...</p>

800 CR
750 Math
740 Writing
(one sitting)</p>

<p>SAT IIs:
800 Math 2
760 Physics
750 US History</p>

Sophomore year: BC Calc 5, Art History 5, Bio 5
Junior year: Physics b 5, us history 5, english language 5, stat 5, spanish language 4, psych 5</p>

<p>Taking all aps senior year: music theory, physics c, chem, micro/macro econ, us/comp gov, spanish lit, english lit</p>

<p>Also, took calc 3 and differential equations at local community college</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0 unweighted
Rank: 12/550
(i transfered schools from out of district sophomore year, so my weighted/ranked gpa is low)</p>

Cross country 10,11,12, varsity 11/12, captain 12
Track 10,11,12 varsity 11/12
Senior class treasurer
freshman class president
school mentor
guitar/piano (5 years/13 years)
volunteering at humane society once a week</p>

<p>I had a FANTASTIC interview, my teacher recs are probably excellent, and my sfs essay was really good, i had a college econ professor read it and he said it was "spot on"</p>

i didnt mention any of my awards/accomplishments (national merit, national ap scholar, multiple honor societies, science honor society president) in my app
my personal essay had two egregious typos
my essay somewhat made me sound like i don't like religion, though this was unintentional and not true</p>

<p>are these going to hurt me significantly?</p>

<p>I would say you have a great chance of being accepted, as long as your essay did not truly come across as bashing religion. If it did, that may be a problem.</p>

<p>YOu’ve got a great shot.
Good luck!</p>