<p>Okey dokes so I got a 1990 (630 R, 720 M, 640 W) on my SAT's, a 26 on ACT, Lots of A.P/Honor Classes but a 3.6 unweighted GPA a... top 20% class
-National Achievement Semi-finalist,
-President Philosophy Club
-National Honor Society
-All Academic Team Ohio,
-Captain Men's Volleyball team,
-Junior Olympic Men's Volleyball player,
-God, Flag, Country Speech winner; invitee to state tournament,
-Junior Council in World Affairs; placed 13th in regional 2006; placed 5th 2007,
-Selected as a mentor for the DARE program sophomore and junior years,
-Student Leader on Tobacco Effects- invited to research the effects of tobacco,
-Publication in Literary Magazine
-Ski Club
-Rock climbing club
-Muse Machine
-Math Club
-Spanish Club
-Art Club
-Dedicated Individuals Rebuilding Tomorrow Today
-Volunteering at Hospital 70 hrs
-Interning with Infection Control Practitioner 130 hrs
-Volunteered at a Sudanese Aide Project in Khartoum Sudan for 1 month this past summer</p>
<p>nope. unless your scores are amazing on your sat. Otherwise, you have low gpa, random & dull ecs
I don’t mean to sound harsh, but I honestly don’t think you have much of a shot</p>
<p>i know my act=bad
and i went up from a 1970 actually to a 2010…not much of an improvement i guess
b4- 630C 720M 620 W (9 essay)
after- 640C 700M 670 W (11 essay)</p>
<p>Yes. Sending the new score is worth it unless you’ve already taken the test 3 or more times. Breaking 2000 means something. That said it probably won’t be enough.</p>
<p>i really dont mean to be harsh so sorry in advance…</p>
<p>by capitalizing African American you’re saying that your race is more important than your test scores,gpa,activities,talents,etc. Why dont you capitalize being a junior olympic volleyball player? If you really expect to get accepted b/c you’re african american, that just tells me that you are severely misinformed and have a serious character flaw…</p>
<p>Obviously, that’s not what you meant though, so just be wary of doing that in the future.</p>
<p>your chances are ok. You’ve got poor test scores/gpa, but if can capitalize on a few of your activities, then you have a shot. If not, and all you have is a long list like you have here, then ur chances are slim.</p>
<p>ivay you suck. its terrible, dont even bother applying.your sats are HORRIBLE, i doont know why you said min e were so bad. lol, glass houses and throwin stones…</p>
<p>wow taking it things personally!
first off you are asian thus you have to have better scores than the average white male and secondly you got a 1300…sorry if i’m being realistic lol</p>
<p>no your running around screaming AFRICAN AMERICAN. its disgraceful. and there is NO requirement for an asian to have higher sats than whites. i dont “have to have” better scores.You are truly racist, and dont deserve to go to an ivy.</p>
<p>^ I agree. Try to get into schools based on merit, not the fact that you’re black (and this is coming from someone who agrees with affirmative action).</p>
<p>I posted on another thread and said I don’t think you have good chances. I think you are less qualified than the average black applicant, and certainly less qualified than the average applicant. The fact of the matter is that your SAT scores are low, your ACT scores are low, your extracurricular activities are weak and uninteresting, and your GPA alone is enough to bar you from most top schools. </p>
<p>And that comment saying Asians “have to have” better scores may be somewhat true, but it is racist and condescending.</p>
<p>and i am no racist…considering my ancestors were enslaved by the “white” man for many centuries
…and i advice you both to look at the common data set…my stats don’t look terrible looking at that</p>
<p>…and i advice you both to look at the common data set…my stats don’t look terrible looking at that</p>
<p>despite your grammar i think i got the point.</p>
<p>ANd why are you on a chance thread if you think your stats are great?did you want us to butter you up and tell you you were great? seriously, something is wrong with you.</p>
<p>haha okay man…i just wanted to get second opinions bud…CHILL…sorry if i was honest with you and tried to tell it to you straight</p>
<p>and secondly who are you to correct my grammer when i received a higher grammer score than you on the SAT</p>
<p>lastly…and be honest with yourself…if you were on the admission board and you saw two applicants…one asian applicant with a 1930 sat who is incomparable with other applicants of the same race…and one african american applicant with a 2010 who is more qualified than most of the other minority applicants…tell me who would you take…
and this is all besides the fact that the indian applicant has nothing outstanding…not even national merit…while the african american applicant is an olympic caliber athlete recruited by many top colleges and is a national achievement semifinalist…sadly you can’t even compare to minorities
this being said…i am not racist…just practical…every ivy strives to diversify its school and you sir don’t add diversification…just hate…
i would like to add i am amongst the top 1500 SAT scoring test-takers…top 1% of african americans
you sir scored in the bottom half of your race…SORRY but statistics don’t lie…i sincerely doubt you are of ivy caliber.</p>
<p>Seems like you’ve already made up your mind.</p>
<p>I am not racist–at all. And that means I don’t discriminate either for/against your race. You may call yourself practical, but you are racist in saying you need special treatment because of your race.</p>
<p>Just as you cannot control being born black, asians cannot control being born asian. I cannot control the fact that I was born into a poor, white and abusive family. But I’m not parading around message boards saying I deserve this more than asians and that i’m more qualified. I worked damn hard… Unlike you, I do not feel entitled to college admission because of my race/economic position.</p>
<p>ephemeral merry christmas to you too…haha
but you must understand that there are racial stereotypes…and when colleges see that student that falls out of the stereotypes they really want him/her.
i for one defy my stereotype and i’m sure you may too…but i can guarentee you that ndnguy is probably captain of the tennis team/in nhs/part of the pre-med club at his school…colleges see that all the time…so the least they can expect is stellar test score…sadly he defies his racial stereotype in the one thing that may help him</p>
<p>and ndn again sorry if i’m being harsh and rash but like i said before i sincerely doubt that you will get in an ivy…actually i am fairly certain</p>