Chance my son - Asian Male Senior, Computer

If you’re really interested in California publics in your price range, then I would consider San Jose State, San Diego State, Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo (already mentioned), and Cal Poly Pomona, the last of which would be a real bargain with WUE. There’s a formula you’ll need to use to figure out your son’s score for those schools (based on level of classes, number of classes, grades, and some other factors), and perhaps @Gumbymom can let us know where it is.

As others have mentioned, UT-Dallas has really upped its name for National Merit Finalists, and it has a very well-reputed CS program.

Georgia Tech would be a reach, but it’s a possibility.

To throw in some schools that would be totally different from what you have, Rose-Hulman and DePauw in Indiana are much smaller schools with a bigger emphasis on undergrads. A completely different feel, but in case your son wants to have a variety of possibilities, those would definitely give him variety.

Just to throw one more wild card out there, depending on your son’s particular interests in CS, you might consider DePaul in Chicago.

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I said the student MIGHT get merit, ALSO not a certainty. You seemed to focus on honors in your statement though which was confusing as those aren’t the only students that get offered merit. Absolutely no merit should be counted on but they won’t know unless they try.

The fact is this students SAT is above the average for admittance to UMD. Their grades are also well above the average admit. I’d say the student has a very good chance at being admitted to the school. I would say they have a bit less of a chance at direct admit into the CS program. Fortunately with UMD transfer into the CS program isn’t competitive, one just needs to complete gateway requirements which are the same as those that get direct admit to the major have to complete.

I think this student has a good chance at admittance if they apply EA.

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Yes I realize I didn’t explain the rationale. OP needs at least 8k of merit to get the COA within budget. That requires either the B/K scholarship (only given to honors admittees) or the higher end of the presidential scholarship typically - in my observation, although no explicit rule - also given to honors attendees. Yes non-honors can also get scholarships but they’re usually smaller amounts, maybe $2,500 or $5k at the high end. Not enough for OP.

I agree with the rest of your points regarding getting admittance as well as @tsbna44’s points about it getting harder in the past few years.


Ohio State does not admit by major for their CS degrees so their CDS information is instructive of who gets in. Current students apply to their major once they’ve completed a set of pre-reqs. Majors | Computer Science and Engineering

Their National Buckeye Scholarships are frequently awarded and stack with Maximus, Provost or Trustee and do not require any additional supplements which should get you in budget. Net Price Calculator - Incoming Freshmen - The Ohio State University

However, they do offer some full rides and full tuition scholarships I think your son would be competitive for (Eminence/Morrill) and should take the time to apply for Merit-based scholarships - The Ohio State University

He needs to meet their EA deadline to maximize his scholarships.

There is also a club football team if he’d be interested and lots of other student organizations/clubs as well as honors and scholars programs.


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