Chance my son (Rising Senior) to CalTech/Stanford/UCs/Cal Poly SLO [CS or ME] [attending UCB as EECS major]

I second this. If your grades put you in the possible range, and the school interests you, apply. Long odds or not, they don’t choose students to attend that didn’t apply. Just go into it with open eyes.


Done with Stanford app, submitted CSS/IDOC, now he will focus on UC PIQs. Goal is to submit them by November 3rd week.

He will submit Honors Essay for Univ of Arizona by Nov 15th.

He will also be working on CalTech app(1/3/2023 is deadline for RD) during Holidays.


Update: Son got a request for Stanford interview, with virtual or face-face options. He opted for face to face interview.


My S had a few interviews. I asked him to think about two questions that might come up:

  1. Tell me about yourself

  2. Why Stanford (or other college)

I also asked him to always have a question to ask at the end:

Something like “what did you like the most while you were there”


Thank you. Interview is in 2 days, moving fast. I will pass on your message to my kid. He is very excited for his first interview.

You might be asked about a major / area of interest, favorite class and why, and most challenging class (one that caused difficulty) and how you overcame it.

WUSTL asked my son those if I remember correctly.

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Thank you. Will pass on your tips.

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Stanford alumni Interview done, Son said it went well. Now, we wait for December 15th when decisions will be out.


Heard back from Missouri S&T - He was admitted to CS and they gave him 13000$ Merit Scholarship. With CoA around $40000, he will not be going to Missouri.


HI there, Just my 2cents. My son was in similar position as yours last year, he graduated in 2022 and is a freshman in college now. Just know that an an engineering major, the acceptances are much tighter. He got accepted to UCSB, denied at Cal and WL at UCSD and UCLA. In early May he got off the WL at UCLA and is now attending. He also did REA at Stanford but did not get in. He did get into Cal Poly SLO and SDSU. He was a National Merit Finalist but that was his only national award. Lots of leadership posts in school clubs, 4 year varsity athlete in 2 sports, school excellence awards, internships, but nothing out of the ordinary. It is tough out there for an engineering student. The UCs get so many kids who have never had anything less than an A all through high school. I wish your student the best of luck and know that the UC are a crap shoot without rhyme or reason.


Kid got into University of Arizona with $32000 Merit. He still needs to apply to Honors college(Busy with Band Music). Still need to apply for UC system.


congrats. possibly cheaper than attending ucs.

sorry if I sound like a rookie/naive, is that per year or for all four?

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$32k is per year at u of A fOr a 4.0 unweighted. Last year it was $35k.

They raised tuition too so what used to be about $3-4k is now $9-10k per year, still a bargain for what’s a fine school.


It is per year and clearly mentioned $128000 for all 4 years.


Kid submitted his UC application(s) on 27th November. On 29th, he got email to submit recommendation letters to UC Berkeley. I don’t know if this is positive or not but some progress.


It means he’s still in the hunt :+1:


Here is some information regarding LOR’s. Do not read anything into the request. UCB just wants more information to help in their decision.

(University of California - Berkeley - College Confidential Forums) from the BOARS report:

Those invited to submit a recommendation may submit up to two letters of recommendation. Submission is voluntary and not required for full consideration of the application for admission; if a student chooses not to submit a letter of recommendation(s), it does not affect their opportunity for admission. In the fall 2021 cycle, Berkeley gave 16,783 applicants, or 12.42% of the pool, the opportunity to submit a letter of recommendations. Of those applicants, 4,937 submitted, and 2,854 (58%) were admitted. Those admitted were:
● First Generation College-Going: 2,581
● From an LCFF+ high school: 1,290
● Received an application waiver: 2,547
● Underrepresented Minority:
○ African American: 235 ○ Chicano/Latino: 1,621 ○ Native American: 14
○ Pacific Islander: 9,can%20help%20provide%20additional%20academic%20and%20personal%20context

More information on LCFF, in case you were wondering:

My son will provide recommendation letters. Of all the criteria you listed, I heard about LCAP for his High School but others don’t apply for us.

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Kid applied to W&L(and Johnson Scholarship) on last day. I don’t know how he churned out essay so quick and also answered 2 short-questions(optional).