<p>I'm from England, doing A-levels so no AP scores/GPA.
My sisters both went to Northwestern and I will be applying there for early decision (No financial aid)</p>
<p>I want to apply regular decision to Duke, UCLA, Upenn, Vanderbilt, Berkeley, Georgia Tech</p>
<p>Standardized test scores
ACT: Composite 33
English 31 Math 32 Reading 33 Science 34
Sat II: Biology: 720, Chemistry: 710, Math II: 700
GCSES: 6 A stars, 4 As, 1 B
(Doing AS levels now and A2 next year)</p>
<p>Extracurricular activities- National basketball U16
School basketball captain for 3 years
Started a basketball club for the upper school grades since not enough teachers
Coached basketball for younger grades
Deputy head boy (I organise events)
Been a math prefect
Debating Club
Student Voice (Kind of like class president)
Math competition, regional (southeast england)
Tutored kids in maths
Finished first aid course</p>
<p>Geographical residence--England</p>
<p>Minority status: Chinese</p>
<p>Volunteer work:
Volunteer at a local library for 3 years
Volunteer at a local elderly care home </p>
<p>Essays: Will be good if not great, I stayed at Northwestern for a week with my sister during her graduation there so I can talk about that
Recommendations: should be good </p>
<p>First generation college student: NO</p>
<p>Financial Aid -- NO</p>
<p>Thank you!
(Please let me know what I need to improve) I still have this summer to improve some test scores and more voluntary work.)</p>
<p>And ACT is with writing (31) </p>
<p>Your ACT is around (or slightly above) average for Northwestern and Duke while your SAT2 scores are mediocre. They would be very high match to low reach for you considering the admission rates.</p>
<p>Don’t make your college essay about a week you spent at Northwestern. You have to show some shift in character development and that probably isn’t the ideal topic to do that.</p>
<p>@billcsho You don’t think mediocre is an exaggeration? </p>
<p>Look at the percentile of these SAT2.</p>
<p>Hmmm, definitely raise those SAT 2’s IMO. Other than that, try to bring up your ACT at least to a 35. This is to make you a stronger applicant, but it is very possible to get in with the scores you have now. :)</p>
<p>@truthandmercy “at least a 35”… do you know anything at all about college admissions? No ad com would take a student with a 35 over a student with a 33 JUST BECAUSE OF THOSE 2 EXTRA POINTS. A score of 33 is perfectly respectable and is towards the TOP of the mid 50% for all of these schools. Do your research…
The only thing higher than 35 is 36. Do you know small the number of people is who get that? </p>
<p>Having said that, your SAT II’s are really, quite low. Get those up!</p>
<p>@noel597 @truthandmercy @billcsho
Thanks guys for your inputs, I’ll be retaking my SAT II’s in the October period, before the early decision deadline.
@KiaraInNYC Thanks for the input about the essay, maybe I’ll leave the topic about being at Northwestern if the question ever comes up on an essay or interview
<p>@noel597 Yes, I HAVE done my research, and THERE IS NO NEED TO USE CAPS-LOCK (It makes you look like you’re shouting, and that is not very nice). Those 2 extra points on the ACT convert to an increase of about 150 points on the SAT, which in my opinion, is a decided advantage and will put @lellywang at an advantage. If that was your first time, definitely try again. If you decide not to, a 33 is still a capable score, as Noel597 pointed out.</p>
<p>@truthanmercy yeah it was my first time. I might retake it in the end since I have nothing to lose :)</p>
<p>Go for it 
My first time I got a 34- 36M 36R 35E and 28S. I’m definitely retaking in hopes of a 36 :)</p>
<p>I say this from experience. My aunt is an ad com at a top 20 school and she maintains that it confers little advantage. 150 points is about 50 points on each sat section and translates to 1-2 more questions correct on each section. No one cares about that! </p>
<p>@noel597 so I shouldn’t bother retaking the ACT?
If so, I’ll focus efforts on SAT IIs then</p>
<p>@lellywang In my opinion, it doesn’t hurt to retry (especially since this was your first shot). HOWEVER, don’t freak out/stress out. You’re already “up to snuff”, so to say. My friend with a 33 ACT (800 Math II, 750 USH and Bio M) got into all those schools with the exception of Duke-- she did not apply. </p>
<p>Although small, there is still some difference between 33 and 35 in ACT for admission. However, OP’s SAT2 need more improvement than the ACT. I would put the ACT retake in a very low priority.</p>
<p>@billcsho thanks, I will prioritise SAT IIs</p>