Chance of getting in?

<p>just on Grades and exams....</p>

<p>IB predicted 35
ACT 30 (33M 33W 30E 24S)
Math II 770
Physics 650</p>

<p>What do you guys think?</p>

<p>No one can “chance” you on just grades and exams, its the stuff outside of that that will reveal whether you will be admitted or not.</p>

<p>jesus christ man, all i wanted to know was if these grades are good enough for UPenn…</p>


<p>i would say they are below average to average. but wikiman is right, the stuff outside of grades/scores is what matters.</p>

<p>chiefsnadal, i’m pretty sure thewikiman didn’t freak out on you, he gave his opinion</p>

<p>chillax, chief.</p>

<p>im not freakin out guys…i was just stating that i know grades dont mean everything, i just wanted to know if applying would be worth it with the grades i have…so his comment, although true (and i agree with him totally), wasnt really answering my question…</p>

<p>definitely need to up those grades!</p>

<p>To be entirely honest, those are quite a bit below average :frowning:
But take the tests again im sure you can up the scores! :)</p>

<p>Based on the Penn website, your ACT score is on the 25th percentile, which is on the low side. If you had no outstanding extracurriculars/essays, I think you would have a slim chance.</p>