<p>Hey I'm applying to Vanderbilt ED, do I have what it takes to get in:</p>
<p>3.88 UW 4.08 W
Ranked 2/200
Rigorous Course load: All AP courses offer at my school
Dual Enrolled in Math: Cal A, Cal B, Cal C, Differential Equations (A's)</p>
SGA President
National Honor Society Vice President
Spanish Honor Society
Varsity Soccer Captain
Varsity Football Captain
Academic Team Captain
JROTC Battalion Commander
Senior Student Ambassador
Chief Tutor: Math
Lettered in 5 Varsity Sports (including Soccer and Football)</p>
100+ Partnership for a Drug Free Community
100+ Boys & Girls Club
50+ Huntsville Hospital Foundation
50+ Tutoring</p>
<p>I also have 2 brothers that graduated from Vandy last year and 1 sister up there now.</p>
<p>Go fix your ACT, get an optional interview, write an inspiring essay about how you want to spend a summer teaching English in Angola, and you're looking at a fun four years in Nashville.</p>
<p>yeah i'm good with everything except a stronge ACT score. But I think i have everything else to weigh over the ACT, and plus I'm doin ED so that should help and legacy also. But with that ACT score do you think i have a chance?</p>
<p>wait, VANDYSAE, it's possible to get an optional interview when applying to Vanderbilt. If I'm apllying early, How would I go about getting an interview?</p>
<p>I noticed that you are from Hunstville. My son is interested in Vandy and is currently attending Grissom.</p>
<p>Based on the stats from Grissom (2007) no one attended Vanderbilt…which I found to be quite honestly very strange, since they sent their fair share of people to Ivy schools. I hope that Vanderbilt is not turning down southern HS just because they are close to campus. </p>
<p>Anyway, we have our fingers crossed for you. Good luck!!</p>
<p>Vanderbilt definitely doesn’t have a history of turning down kids from southern high schools. S’s class had the largest amount of kids from (12 if I remember correctly) from MBA right in Nashville. The second largest feeder that year was a school from Columbus, OH that his roommate attended. D’s class had the largest number from Mountain View HS.</p>
<p>Actually 2VU, the second largest feeder is New Trier (huge chicago suburbs high school. Think ‘Risky Business’). The third largest feeder is MUS in Memphis. Usually Westminster in Atlanta comes up close too. That all said, I wouldn’t put it past Admissions to hate on another Alabama public school (Mountain Brook has been dropping in matriculations).</p>
<p>And MBA is almost always first, regardless of how much Admissions hates the South, MBA is as much a Nashville institutional landmark as Vanderbilt.</p>
<p>Sorry, I meant Mountain Brook for the class of '09, not Mountain View. Dean Shain told the parents on move-in day in August '05 that Mountain Brook was the number 1 school for the class of '09, I believe he said MBA was second for that class.</p>