chance please

<p>Chance me please.
Senior, applying for fall '09, from new york
2150 SAT- 720 CR 680 M 750 W
Bio 680
Math I 710
World 650
Weighted GPA: 99.51
All Honors Courses, have taken AP World History, AP Biology, AP Calculus AB, AP Russian, currently taking College Creative Writing, and Physics C in addition to req. courses
Vice President of Russian and Jewish Clubs, participate in multicultural fairs, school open houses, did blood drives,did varsity swimming for 3 yrs (had to stop due to medical reasons)
Volunteered the JCC summers, worked at an optical, and at a day care center since 2006. Did a Summer Healthcare Internship Program.
AP Scholar, National honor society member, second place at a statewide language olympiada.
Immigrant, came to the US at age 5.5, spoke Russian before English.</p>

<p>please resond, i'll appreciate it.</p>

<p>AP Russian? Do they have that? What’s your class rank?
SATs are interesting- your English scores are very solid for Hopkins, but your math score is a bit low. They sort of balance out, but you’re above average over all. Soid chances, I guess. Also, what major are you applying to?</p>

<p>Well, it’s the only foreign language my school offers, and there is a NYS Regents for it. As for AP, it’s not directly from CollegeBoard, it’s from another organization that offers an equivalent, so it doesn’t count towards like, AP awards and whatnot.
Um, I’m actually interested in going on to medical school, but I’m writing an essay about psychology. Besides, I can always switch it, no?
As for rank, my school doesn’t rank us because they don’t think it’s fair.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, psych is fine for pre-med; I’ll probably do math and pre-med. I know a doctor who majored in pottery, so don’t worry about it.</p>