chance please!!!

<p>seeing as nobody actually chances anyone in the official chances thread, i thought this might work a little better hahaa
UC GPA-4.09
Unweighted GPA-3.85
Weighted GP-4.39
rank 111/897</p>


<p>Act= i dont remember everything, but composite 32
sat= same thing but combimed 1800
math 2- 700
chem- 690</p>

<p>5 on AP stat</p>

<p>Engineering- (nuclear engineering)</p>

Rugby- most improved player 2007, mvp 2008, captain 2008, started on texas select u20's
Work- worked around 10 hours a week until the place i worked at got destroyed by hurricane ike, waiting until spring till its fixed to work again
Art- taking up to art 4 and have won a couple small contests for designing logos and what not for my school
Soccer- secretary of intramural soccer club
mu alpha theta</p>

<p>My essays are pretty solid, and i lived in the middle east for 8 years, which i worked into the essays</p>

<p>being out of state really f's up my uc gpa, cuz they only count ap classes as honors for me....yay! much appreciated</p>

<p>sorta reach.</p>

<p>Engineering is one of the hardest Berkeley programs to get into, and being out-of-state doesn’t help anything.
Your numbers are good, but nothing really stands out. Just hope that your essays really impress the adcoms!</p>

<p>Edit: Your ECs show that you’re really good at things… but it’s relation to the engineering program is minor :/</p>

<p>Only 1 AP class will really hurt you, I’d think.</p>

<p>If you were in state I would call you a reach. Out of state you are a super reach. Sorry. Berkeley’s really tough. The applicant number has gone up to 49,000 this year.</p>

<p>ive got 3 more aps this year, this would be a lot easier if the stupid rugby coach would just give me assissted admission, but hes never seen me play, so he couldnt…wut a ****** rugby is a varsity sport at berkeley btw</p>