Chance please

<p>I am currently a junior in New Jersey. I am applying to Penn ED and really have my heart set on that school. I was just wondering what my chances are at Dartmouth RD if i do not get into Penn.</p>

Writing 710</p>

<p>SAT II:
Biology M- 750
Am History- take in may
Math II- take in may</p>

<p>APs(taking some of these senior year):
History(one and two), English (2years), Biology, Chem, Gov and politics, calculus
(the rest i have taken are honors)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.9/4.9w </p>

<p>Extra cirriculars and other:
Math/Science league (starter), medical club (vice president/ president next year), Environmental club, contributor to school newspaper, volunteer at library and hospital, NHS, French NHS, french club, Writing wksp tutor, T.E.A.M (peer leadership group), buddy club, work at ice rink/ day care for two years, junior scholars of america (aka, debate club)... and more</p>

<p>I am not an Admissions Officer, but I think you have a strong chance. Anything is possible.</p>

<p>The likelyhood of not getting into Penn ED, and then getting into Dartmouth, is small.</p>

<p>Yeah I agree. Dartmouth Rd is going to be relatively harder to get into than Penn ED. Although strange things happen.</p>

<p>yeah, i have legacy at penn so im rele hoping for that… i rele do not know too much about dartmouth… just curious to see what my chances are</p>

<p>You look really good at Penn with legacy ED.</p>

<p>if you dont get into penn ed with legacy, then your chances at dartmouth rd are bleak. but i owuldnt worry because with your stats and with legacy you should have no problem getting in ed at penn</p>