Chance Potential RD Applicant

<p>Senior at a top 3 public HS in PA
3.25 UW GPA, 3.88 W (slight upward trend)
SATs: 2200. 730 CR/710 M/760 W
SAT 2: 730 on US History
ECs: NHS (senior year), School Newspaper (writer 9th and 10th, Sports Editor 11th, Op-Ed 12th), Student Council (Member 10th and 11th, Treasurer in 12th), Wrote and maintained website for the school basketball team in 11th and 12th, Volunteer tutor to a disadvantaged elementary student (10th), Volunteer youth basketball coach (11th and 12th), Class President (9th), Member of the Golf Team (11th, 12th), Ref in a local flag football league (10th and 11th, head of refs in 12th), Umpire in a local baseball league (9th-12th).
Curriculum Strength: Took mainly Honors courses, will graduate having taken 5 APs.
AP Scores: 5 on APUSH and AP L&C.
National Merit Semifinalist</p>

<p>Let me know! Thanks!</p>

<p>You will get in will at least a 16K scholarship. (my opinion of course) National merit scholarship finalists automatically get a 16K scholarship if admitted. As long as your recommendations and essay were good, I think you have a good chance of getting a higher award. The only downfalls are your GPA and that you come from the NE (lots of applicants) Good luck! I hope I’m right!</p>

<p>I agree with dreamingofum - IN with a 16k or 20k scholarship.