Chance Me Please!

(upward trend, 3.94 jr year)</p>

<p>2030 (700m, 710w, 620cr)</p>

<p>Good Recs</p>

<p>Just shy of top 25%, think I'm in the top 26. </p>

<p>Good ECs, Good Recs,</p>

<p>pretty rigorous course load. </p>

<p>I'm a little worried about my class rank.
I think my GPA and SAT are pretty strong though.</p>

<p>Do I have a good chance?</p>

<p>All opinions appreciated.</p>

<p>I assume you are a senior who has applied RD? </p>

<p>I agree that your class rank will put you at risk for being accepted. Your GPA is on a good trend, but your SAT score is not really that strong. Remember that UM only looks at M+CR, so a 1320 puts you at the border for serious consideration and probably below the cut line for much in the way of merit scholarships.</p>

<p>Rigorous course load is good. Solid ECs and recs are good, so it will depend on how much weight is given to the other factors mentioned above as well as the strength of the rest of the RD pool.</p>

<p>Overall, my opinion is that you are borderline and could be waitlisted. Just my guess however.</p>

<p>Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Well your GPA is a little below average, but an upward trend might balance that out.
Your SAT score is pretty good. 1320 is almost exactly smack dab at the 50% mark for admitted students. Meaning 50% of students scored higher, 50% scored lower. Not a bad spot to be in. I think UM is a sucker for SAT scores, too. </p>

<p>Your class rank is pretty low. If you get wait listed or rejected it will probably be because of your Class rank. </p>

<p>I agree with zinc it will probably depend on the strength of the RD pool. I think you probably will get at least wait listed though, rejection doesn’t seem too likely. </p>

<p>Overall if I had to take a sheer guess my guess would be admitted. It will be close though.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Anyone else? I’d appreciate it :-)</p>

<p>I was top 40% of my class and i was accepted…so i do not think being 26% will be that big of a deal…</p>

<p>What specific courses did you take?</p>

<p>4 Years Math up to Alg 2,
4.5 Years English, Honors and AP
4.5 Years Science including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy.
4 Years Spanish
AP US History</p>

<p>A variety of academic electives including-Sociology, Sports Medicine, and Creative Writing.</p>

<p>Graduating with an Honors Diploma from my high school</p>

<p>For my school I would probably say the courses I took on a 1-5 scale, 5 being the most rigorous available, were a 4.</p>

<p>Just sent in a supplemental letter of rec! Hoping for the best :D</p>

<p>I don’t mean to dampen your spirits a bit, but usually if the SAT is at or below average (and with an average of 1325, you’r definitely one of those two descriptions), you’d need strong class rank to make a good case. The admissions officers look to those two apart from any other quantitative method. If your highest math class was Algebra 2, I’m also not entirely sure you would be successful while also taking the university general education requirements (which include science and math. all science and math classes at UM are the expectation of college level work). The only freshmen I know who aren’t at least taking calculus are specialty students like musicians, who tend to be great at their craft already.
I’m not feeling to strongly about this, but I’m also not an admission officer, so enjoy senior year and get your letters when they come!</p>

<p>^ I’m not so sure.</p>

<p>I think the OPs chances are pretty much a coin toss. 50 50 chance. </p>

<p>I don’t think the math would be that much of an issue for the OP, considering he got a 700 SAT mathematics. That would put him in the 65-70th percentile of incoming freshmen for sat mathematics. </p>

<p>The OPs overal sat score is 1320 which about the average SAT for the incoming freshmen class.
His GPA and class rank are a bit below average though, but not so much that it completely rules him out. </p>

<p>It’s important to realize though that while they are a bit below average, essentially 50% of admits are below the average. Being a bit below the average doesn’t rule anyone out by any means.</p>

<p>It’s gonna be close, OP. Good luck.</p>

<p>Thats not true i was top 40 and had 1730 and i was accepted. but i had a great essay and EC. college care about your stats but they care about you as a person more</p>

<p>I was accepted and I sent them my 1740…of course I had a much different set of classes and whatnot (ACT/rank/essay/ECs)</p>